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How often do you visit the IFSQN website?

Started by , Nov 01 2014 05:10 PM
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58 Replies

For this month's poll we wanted to find out how often you visit the IFSQN website…and importantly why you do or don’t visit us so often.

This insight will help us to shape the future direction of the website making sure we continue to do the things you like and perhaps identify some areas for improvement.

So please vote and add your comments below.




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Every day of the week

Whenever I have a quality issue that I want to research, get a second opinion on or just verify.

So pretty often! :)

Thanks guy's...don't forget to add a comment as well as voting. :thumbup:

I put Very Regularly because I'm not on here on the weekends.  Every work day I'm on here though.


This is mainly because I have no idea what my password is but it's saved in my work computer.

I went ahead and put everyday, because I have checked in on the weekends. This site is one of the first 'places' I go when I fire up the work computer and I check back often during the day.

I visit quite often when I'm looking for a "sanity check" - as in, well I know people do it *this way*, but my teeny tiny factory has never seen that before, does it work for you guys?


Check it work days as part of my "staying informed about updates in QA" requirements, weekends/holidays only if something is really bothering me.   Balance the fine line between "Help I'm having a crisis" and "Giving all of our information up to the interwebz"


Really it's just nice to have other people who understand what QA even *is* - I'm flying solo and it can be quite isolating.  This website is a nice reprieve from the world of non conformances that lie outside of my office....ugh, somethings leaking out there, I can feel it....

It would be unusual for me to check on the weekend, but during the week it is my "mind candy".  I learn about others challenges, can help others with theirs.  I look forward to Magenta's rants, Mr. I's craziness and a day without Caz or Charles is like a day without sunshine.  Then there is Setanta and Mike Green......well you get the idea. 


Like MM this sight gives me a bit of sanity in world of QA chaos and I don't feel quite so alone in my tiny plant.  It is a place to keep up, learn, commiserate, laugh, in short its QA nirvana. 

1 Thank

I'm with Magenta; it's a sanity check, and it helps me realise that I'm not the only one dealing with numpties!


I record that I visit; It forms part of a number of procedural evidence for me from CPD to horizon sweeping for latest food scares, issues etc


And I love the camaraderie that's here; I believe I've made new friends


Caz x

I am going to visit this forum more, as I voted for once a month  :smile:


Anyway, I think it would be a little weird to get feedbacks also from members who normally do not attend the website regularly. In fact, I can see no responses for those member sections so far.



   Without getting all philosophical, it all begins with one post. :welcome: . I have seen many 1 hit wonders that out of nowhere post something fantastic and never see them again. Hope that won't be you. 

1 Thank

At the moment it is very often(!) -depends on what else I have to do


Why do I visit????  hmmmmmm....in no particular order...


to laugh...to find out what's new...to be made to think.....to hear others views......to learn.....to help when I can......to laugh(have I mentioned that already?).......but definitely not to network and seek new business....for me this is strictly for me not for work!



It would be unusual for me to check on the weekend, but during the week it is my "mind candy".  I learn about others challenges, can help others with theirs.  I look forward to Magenta's rants, Mr. I's craziness and a day without Caz or Charles is like a day without sunshine.  Then there is Setanta and Mike Green......well you get the idea. 


Like MM this sight gives me a bit of sanity in world of QA chaos and I don't feel quite so alone in my tiny plant.  It is a place to keep up, learn, commiserate, laugh, in short its QA nirvana. 



I am going to visit this forum more, as I voted for once a month  :smile:


Anyway, I think it would be a little weird to get feedbacks also from members who normally do not attend the website regularly. In fact, I can see no responses for those member sections so far.


:welcome:  :welcome:

1 Thank

It’s a fair point Antonella, the survey was always going to be skewed towards the regulars as the irregulars don’t visit as often and are unlikely to see the poll.  It was just to get a flavour and partially to stimulate feedback on what is good and not so good about the site that if changed would perhaps lead to more frequent visits. 

Maybe you don’t like “polls”? :smile: or some other aspect of the website, forum or newsletters etc.  Maybe you really do like a feature and would like to see much more of it.

One comment that did take me aback was Snookie’s:

I look forward to Magenta's rants, Mr. I's craziness and a day without Caz or Charles is like a day without sunshine.  Then there is Setanta and Mike Green......well you get the idea.

This comment made me a little sad at first.  It made me realize that although I’m on the forums every day (including weekends) I am very much now in the bowels of the engine room.  As you can see from my profile I’ve been here from the VERY start and have made a lot of posts.  In the old days I started and joined many discussions on work and non-work / fun stuff...I enjoyed it.  These days I’m so consumed with weeding the garden I don’t have much time at all.  The fact is I put all my effort into making it and I don’t get to use it; I miss the fun. :crybaby:

BUT!  On the other hand I feel good that, so many of you find it useful and a sort of second home...and I just want to keep improving it for you all. :smile:
2 Thanks

Pretty often but not everyday. i have the forum pinned to my chrome tab so its always accessible.

1 Like1 Thank

Don't take it too rough, Simon, we all think of you as such a staple of the website that calling you out specifically would be redundant! Without Simon, there is no IFSQN.    Community is for sure the #1 draw of the site - answers from many countries, answers at any time of the day, filling the void of my soul, etc. 


Some brutal feed back -

Files - I love this idea, but every time I visit the files section, it feels anemic.  I almost always end up searching the forums on a quest to dig through and find examples of the files I want. Not sure how you could encourage us to use it more though.  Maybe auto add files people post to the forums to the files section?  Maybe a search that lets you pick out forum posts with file attachments?


Stickies - I would love love love the idea of stickies - it's very common to see someone new ask a question that has been asked a lot before, and Charles will muck through a few hundred forum posts and link to the gems.  It's be great to have metal detector, HACCP basics, Risk assessment how tos, CCP vs PRP, micro limits, etc in a sticky thread at the top of the topic - that way we don't have to wait for Charles to link :)   Sometimes the words are so common searching the site is impossible.


Noob Guide - Also maybe something more apparent for noobs when they first  visit - we almost always need to know standard, prodct, location, and sometimes more about the process.  You can't post files at first, which is confusing.  Maybe the error message can say something like "You can't post files yet, but you'll be able to in 5 posts" or whatever.  I didn't know the "More Reply Options" button existed for a really long time (This probably exists, but maybe make it more prominent?  I'll link to it in the welcome posts)


Pictures - What do you mean, that file extension is not allowed on this community?  I *need* hilarious memes and click bait.


Blogs - as mentioned above...what are these? How are these different than posts in the forum? I see Tony C's sometimes, but never any others.  Do they have different features or functions?


Reputation and Thanks fight each other - I vote for one upvote system instead of two


Diet craze based standards that have no bearing on food safety missing - Where's my forum section for Paleo Friendly certification?  Gluten Free certification?  Vegan certification?  Atkins Approved certification ?  (Ed note: I felt like this post had to include a joke complaint)

2 Likes6 Thanks


It’s a fair point Antonella, the survey was always going to be skewed towards the regulars as the irregulars don’t visit as often and are unlikely to see the poll.  It was just to get a flavour and partially to stimulate feedback on what is good and not so good about the site that if changed would perhaps lead to more frequent visits. 

Maybe you don’t like “polls”? :smile: or some other aspect of the website, forum or newsletters etc.  Maybe you really do like a feature and would like to see much more of it.

One comment that did take me aback was Snookie’s:

This comment made me a little sad at first.  It made me realize that although I’m on the forums every day (including weekends) I am very much now in the bowels of the engine room.  As you can see from my profile I’ve been here from the VERY start and have made a lot of posts.  In the old days I started and joined many discussions on work and non-work / fun stuff...I enjoyed it.  These days I’m so consumed with weeding the garden I don’t have much time at all.  The fact is I put all my effort into making it and I don’t get to use it; I miss the fun. :crybaby:

BUT!  On the other hand I feel good that, so many of you find it useful and a sort of second home...and I just want to keep improving it for you all. :smile:


Dear Simon,

thanks for your message :-)

I have to get that "feel" before giving out any rooms for improvement for the website.

With regard to your efforts as a manager of this space, I would not be so harsh with my self, were I in your shoes. I had very few occasions to attend the website and surely you are member #1 really helpful and present in the forum and for assistance to the newbies.


Good luck with your garden weeding :-)

1 Like1 Thank

One comment that did take me aback was Snookie’s:

This comment made me a little sad at first.  It made me realize that although I’m on the forums every day (including weekends) I am very much now in the bowels of the engine room.  As you can see from my profile I’ve been here from the VERY start and have made a lot of posts.  In the old days I started and joined many discussions on work and non-work / fun stuff...I enjoyed it.  These days I’m so consumed with weeding the garden I don’t have much time at all.  The fact is I put all my effort into making it and I don’t get to use it; I miss the fun. :crybaby:

BUT!  On the other hand I feel good that, so many of you find it useful and a sort of second home...and I just want to keep improving it for you all. :smile:



Yesterday afternoon I realized that I did not mention you our unsung hero who makes it all work.  I was going to come back and fix that but the day got away from me.  I am so sorry that I failed to mention you...who makes it all work.    Thank you Simon....and I am so sorry not to have included you.  :oops2: As Magenta said, it would not be IFSQN without you.  

1 Like1 Thank
Not as often as I should, because there is a lot of very interesting information.
I am going to blame it on my SQF certification implementation.... Now that it's done, I will make a point to check on more often :)
That will certainly help me improve my systems!
Thank you for great support, every time I went on (even not too often...), somebody had good insight to provide.
1 Like1 Thank

I visit when I have a specific quality question - I can usually find someone has already talked about it or I can ask a particular question that wasn't quite covered in another topic.

I also visit as a result of the weekly emails. I look through the summary of new topics and click on ones that either sound interesting or might be relevant to me.


And I loved the thread with typos and bloopers from auditors reports!  <Quickly re-reads message to make sure every word is spelt correctly :blink: >

1 Like1 Thank

Thanks for your feedback and apologies for the delay in responding; just to let you know I have read your comments and questions and I am thinking about them between working and I will revert in due course. :smile:

1 Thank

I don't always check into IFSQN, but when I do, I get awesome information.


Now that that's done, I don't check in every day, it depends on how busy I am and how many "fires" I am putting out.



1 Like

Funny thing is...I didn't know a "File" section existed until Magenta had mentioned it. I like the content that is in it, and it would be a good idea if some document was uploaded somehow it would be threaded into the "File" section.


Maybe "Thanks" should be worth something like 1/2 a point??? I know I'm new and I'm trying to work my way up to get some sort of credibility, because like AntonellaTromba said, when you're new who's going to pay attention?


Kitleen I think I one up'd you when I say I have IFSQN as my homepage now. I like to start my day on here, it's better than coffee. :beam:

1 Like

Although I do not see a lot of information/discussions for the non-contact packaging industry I do find a great deal of information that I can adapt to our particular situation.

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