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Least Sterilization Value F0 value

Started by , Oct 18 2014 06:26 AM
3 Replies

I would like know about the F0 value of Indian pickles. F0 value depends the pH. Please Help me on this. How to calculate the F0  value 

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"Fo means the equivalent amount of time, in minutes at 121°C or 250 F, which has been delivered to a product by the sterilization process".

F0 is the equivalent exposure time at 121.11°C of the actual exposure time at a variable temperature, calculated for an ideal micro-organism with a temperature coefficient of destruction equal to 10.Generally used for low acid  foods which have PH above 4.5.(to prevent the growth of clostridium botulinum which  can grow above PH 4.5 ).Normally for low acid canned foods and UHT milk. etc.

Indian pickles are high acid foods PH below 4.5 ,They are fermented and spiced .OIl and salt and acid acts as preservative.Sometimes benzoates/sodium metabisulphite is used as preservative for inhibiting  the growth of  yeasts and molds.

1 Thank

Dear itsme-aneesh,


Can try this thread -




Based on the previous post's comment for pH and attachment hh1 of post #8 in above link, you may not need to know about F0. Also see post #6.


Rgds / Charles.C


PS - Here is a compilation of F0 data -


Heat Process Values,F0.pdf   5.6MB   145 downloads



2 Thanks

Thanks Charles C. For F0 values useful information

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