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Are there any regulations concerning the treatment of third party Auditors? e.g. offering food and drink etc.

Started by , Oct 10 2014 10:01 PM
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29 Replies

Are there any regulations concerning the treatment of third party Auditors? I came from the Drug industry to Food and it was Taboo to offer food, drink (other than water) to auditors, as it was considered a form of potential influence. Just wondering if its the same for the food industry.

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Depends on who is auditing.  It is still incorrect to provide food or beverages for Governmental auditors such as Federal or State officials.  It is not unusual to provide beverages, lunch and/or snacks for customer or third party auditors, in many cases. 

I always offer water or coffee for regulatory auditors and perhaps a "communal" doughnut if available. Nothing more, not even a joke or a smile. There is definitely a fine line when dealing with the government.  Generally anything defined as a "gift" is a big no-no: tickets, meals, lodging, etc., or anything of "monetary value" (however that is defined). It's perfectly okay for our government to be wasteful and corrupt, but it's not okay to aid and abet!  :biggrin:


As far as third parties (independent), it usually customary to provide a lunch, but even some companies (Walmart) do not allow this, so read the fine print on your audit agreement.


Along the same lines as the others, we offer coffee, tea, soda, etc for the morning meeting and will provide lunch on site if they desire. We don't take them out to dinner with cocktails, adult beverages, etc ETC.  :surprise:


That works well for us.

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The day's of long lunches off-site have long gone.

Give em nothing!


No seriously as per the others, tea, coffee, water and a sandwich...however, wallmart auditors cannot accept anything especially on ethical audits; as it could be construed as bribary.  I'll supersize your big mac meal if you strike out that NC. :rolleyes:

We always provide lunch...because...working lunch, man.  I don't want the auditor to get up and leave if I'm paying her for the day.   3rd party audit = free lunch.  Also I want my auditor to be in a happy and good mood, and not worrying about where to go to get something or traveling in a strange area.

Government audit ?  No lunch. 

Personally, I think the morning should begin with mimosas it would get the audit off to a good start and make it so much better overall.....unfortunately there is this silly policy about no alcohol on the job.....What the heck  :doh:

Thanks everyone for the all the feedback, I do appreciate it!

We offer coffee / water to auditors but we don't really provide food or anything like that.

2nd and 3rd party audits: IMO it's always a good idea to have water, coffee, soda and some donuts or bagels available with a working lunch offered. Regulatory inspections: water and offer to get a lunch delivered (but fully expect the inspector to either decline or pay their way if they accept: at least in the U.S. those are rules the FDA expects their inspectors to follow).

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We do not provide meal when government inspector visit us (just mineral water). Third party auditor from foreign country usually asking for transportation from hotel to plant and lunch at office during audit

Usually when a third party auditor comes in the first thing we do as they are setting up is offer them a drink, coffee, water or soda,(nothing alcoholic, though it could make the audit a bit easier if we did :rofl2: ).  If we happen to have snacks available such as donuts or bagels, we also offer them one.  We provide them lunch as well. I think for most auditors this is somewaht expected and an unwritten "rule" and really is nothing more than a little show of hospitality.  Don't think too many people would consider a cup of coffee and a local fast-food lunch would be a gratuity that could sway an auditor, but if an auditor is that easily "bought off" then they are definitely a "cheap date" and wouldn't be auditing for long.  The auditor can always decline the offer if they feel it will compromise their objectivity, so as I said by offering it is just a courtesy. 

We order in some sandwiches or salads for our third party auditors.  We have a wonderful little sandwich shop in town, so it's not just a Big Mac, but it is not a gourmet meal.  We show them a menu and let them select.  We have water and coffee available, and have bagels/sweets in the mornings.


When I worked in an industry that had government site visits (different term for an audit), we knew that we were not allowed to provide a meal for them. 

In one plant I was in there was lovely sandwich shop and bakery near our plant.  We always had lovely goodies for the customer and 3rd party audits.  This place made the best whoopee pies.  Always got great scores. 

Are there any regulations concerning the treatment of third party Auditors? I came from the Drug industry to Food and it was Taboo to offer food, drink (other than water) to auditors, as it was considered a form of potential influence. Just wondering if its the same for the food industry.

I am in the food industry and we have always supplied lunch, morning & afternoon tea and coffee/tea/juice/water. I even ring them to make sure that they have no issues with the food I am going to supply. Its a thing that us Aussies just do. I have never thought of it as wrong or a bribe. I will even talk to them as if they are not an auditor. If an auditor is easily bribed with food or a chat then maybe they are in the wrong position. At the end of the day if our company is doing something wrong then we need to face it and fix it. Cheers Carol88 

If an auditor is easily bribed with food or a chat then maybe they are in the wrong position. 



I have never met an auditor that would change a decision in your favour just because they had a nice sandwich.


(However I have met a few that ( I reckon) would be very grouchy & picky in the afternoon session if they were hungry-so I would always at least make the offer!



Totally agree with Jus'me.

I prefer not to offer a cup of coffee after lunch break as it will give fresh energy and concentration to ask many questions. A bottle of mineral water would be fine


I prefer not to offer a cup of coffee after lunch break as it will give fresh energy and concentration to ask many questions. A bottle of mineral water would be fine


LOL! :roflmao:  :roflmao:

I prefer not to offer a cup of coffee after lunch break as it will give fresh energy and concentration to ask many questions. A bottle of mineral water would be fine


Fair Play! I'm going to try that one myself!

I prefer not to offer a cup of coffee after lunch break as it will give fresh energy and concentration to ask many questions. A bottle of mineral water would be fine



If it's going really badly, tap with a hint of GHB,

I prefer not to offer a cup of coffee after lunch break as it will give fresh energy and concentration to ask many questions. A bottle of mineral water would be fine

Genius!  :spoton:



If it's going really badly, tap with a hint of GHB,

Of maybe a cup of Chamomile tea?

I prefer not to offer a cup of coffee after lunch break as it will give fresh energy and concentration to ask many questions. A bottle of mineral water would be fine


Yep agree...that is Genius.   No caffeinated soft drinks either! 

I dont think such offer is a taboo. But some companies have their own set of rules, which prohibits from offering anything.

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