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New Layout-Nice Change

Started by , May 28 2014 12:18 AM
9 Replies

I really like the new layout for the website.  Nice change.   :thumbup:

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I thought the same thing! 

I don't like change... if something isn't broken I like to keep it the same... lol


It's not that I don't like the change I just like familiarity.

It's sort of a soft launch, meaning it isn't finished yet. :oops:

There are quite a few things to fix and tweak and the font is one of them.

It's a bit too big and ugly for me.

Another thing is the home page keeps crashing, so you were right to mention MM.


Please be patient and hopefully will be an improvement.

While I agree it is a bit big....its still a nice change :cool:

Still a lot more work to do which hopefully will be completed in the next couple of days.


In the meantime the database crash (from time to time) that made the home page unavailable should now be fixed...I would be very grateful if you could let me know if you do see that problem again.



We've been fine tuning the home page.




Please let me have your comments and ideas on content and also does it look and work ok for you in your browser and screen resolution.


All comments sincerely appreciated.



To be honest, I don't normally go onto the home page, but go straight into the forum's.


However, I have had a look this morning, and it looks quite good. I think it's easy for the forum novice to navigate, so yeah, good job Simon



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YES!!! If it passes the Caz test, then it can't be bad. Thanks for the feedback. Can you confirm some details like browser and screen resolution Caz.

Sent from my HTC One S using Tapatalk

Well I prefer to use explorer on Windows 11, but also use Chrome if I have difficulty in getting things to open due to compatabiity. Resolution 1366x768, 100%

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