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Salmonella detection in cooked and steamed vegies

Started by , May 24 2014 07:38 AM
3 Replies

Hi All


we are exporter and we use the steamed diced vegetable in our product. every time we do the micro test we detect the salmonella even we concentrate on the hygienic practices in our fascility.

Actually i need any preservative that can be used in our product which give the negatvie micro result when doing the salmonella detection.


will be apreciated your feedback



saqib neyaz 

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I think using something to 'cover up' the salmonella or kill it in the packet is the wrong way to go about this....you need to figure out where it is coming from and rectify the issue. Investigate - start at the beginning and work your way forward, looking at all the processes and test, test, test. But thats just my opinion :)

Hello Mr saqib neyaz,

        There seem to be something wrong with your test for salmonella.Please give  to  some outside accreditated lab for salmonella testing.You should dip your whole vegetables in 100 ppm- 150 ppm chlorinated water after thorough washing with water to remove mud ,dirt etc and then rinse with good quality water and then dice the vegetables.(water should be potable quality).which type of water you are using e.g.borewell,municipality etc.also give your water sample also for testing for pathogenic organisms.

If the core temperature of vegetable reaches 75 degree centigrade during steaming then salmonella will not survive.

Dear saqibfst,


As per previous post, you either have a disaster, a faulty test procedure, or maybe both. You need some validation urgently.


Rgds / Charles.c

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