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Packaging specifications vs. MSDS

Started by , Apr 16 2014 07:34 PM
5 Replies

Are MSDS sheets an acceptable "specification" for packaging materials that have one?  Example:  we use polystyrene packing peanuts and have an MSDS sheet for them that describes storage conditions, appearance, composition, and safety related items.  Do we need to also get a specification that is different from the MSDS?  We also have the CoC for these for the validation end of things.



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A MSDS does generally not contain information about food safety issues. Information about the safe use as a food contact material (possible migration of contaminants into the product) is required.  

MSDS  explains the properties of a material, either to reduce occupational and environmental hazards.


The data sheets (technical specification) indicate the product storage conditions, gmo free, nutritional composition, microbiological specifications and all related to the product itself.

I would point out that many MSDSs do have this information, and while they should suffice, you are probably best served by a having their information stored serpatately in the packaging materials specification section of the manual. Maybe if you indexed where the specs could be found? I am guessing that if you're confident and are able to easy pull out any requested info you should be fine.

An MSDS would not meet the requirments for a Declaration of Complaince as required in article 15 of EU10/2011.  You should hold as a minimum a copy of the DoC on file as this will demonstrate that the packaging material has met the migration requirments of the Directive.

MSDS or SDS sheet only identify handling issue from a OH&S point, yes its means more paper work

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