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Are beard nets for moustaches required?

Started by , Mar 27 2014 01:00 PM
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32 Replies

We recently had some employees go to HACCP certification training and were told by the trainer that SQF 7.2 will require employees with moustaches to wear beard nets. I didn't see that change in the map of changes, has anyone read the updated requirements closely enough to confirm this change?

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I know places where it's required and places where it's not.


Our SQF Level 3 V 7.1 inspection last year at a yogurt plant we did not require it and we were not hit or talked to about it.


I have found that sometimes trainers and contractors that set up systems either put their own preference into the system or blur the lines between different standards they work with.


I found myself doing the same thing in my new position because I was talking about food quality the same way as food safety.  It was a very hard thing to stop doing and I only worked in SQF for a year.

Those things should have been called facial hair nets. The objective of standard hair and facial hair nets is to help control the risk of contamination arising from loose hair. From the comments, sounds like some auditors let it go, whilst others don't. For me, it's a no brainier. Moustaches need to be covered. Not talking stubble here..


A full moustache must be covered the same as with beard and hair. The same risk for applies to both beard and moustache.

I have not seen it in the SQF 7.2 Edition, but Costco has an addendum that requires ALL facial hair be covered. When we incorporated that, we got to see a lot more of the faces of the men who work here (they just shaved the mustache off)

It makes sense to cover it all!

I know someone that wore a beard net for a soul patch... little hair... every day wearing a beard net... whatever floats their boat.

We have a facial hair policy because of respiratory protection (full face masks) when using certain ingredients.  Most of our guys just have moustaches, and we don't require beard guards if they don't pass the corner of the mouth.

I always find these kind of debates interesting - and have often wondered how far these things will go in the future.


If we are talking about facial hair should we include eyelashes and eyebrows?? In my experience you are far more likely to shed eyelashes or eyebrow hair than moustach or beard hair - so do we need full face nets?!


I also once had a 2 hour discussion with a large retailer on the risks of mouth jewellery - such as gold tooth caps and gem tooth inserts. They insisted that these were to be prohibited as there was the potential for these item to 'fall out' and contaminate the product. They were then a bit stumped when I asked if we should include dental fillings in the policy (i was being facetious) and they actually considered including it until common sense prevailed  :giggle:

While we are talking about other body hair situations...


I know a company that makes... a food product...


There was a standard for hair being covered, beards being covered, but not arm hair... and that can be a lot of hair depending on the person.  Now I've worked in places where if you were batching you had to wear sleeves for arm hair... but I've never seen it addressed anywhere else.  Arm hair doesn't ever come off?

Our employees that batch wear long sleeved shirts, so arm hair...stays in there? 

Does anyone have a white paper on arm air staying in the shirt?


Fake eyelashes are prohibited and if you have an abundance of lashes and brows falling about the place I'd go to a doctor sooner than an eyebrow net manufacturer.


My rule in the factory for beard /mustache nets is if you have facial hair, you have to wear one.  If you have to ask if your facial hair is long enough for a net, it's long enough.  If you are smooth as a baby's behind and a supervisor says you have to wear one, you have to wear one. 

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Our employees that batch wear long sleeved shirts, so arm hair...stays in there? 
Does anyone have a white paper on arm air staying in the shirt?
If you are smooth as a baby's behind and a supervisor says you have to wear one, you have to wear one.

YES!!! And bald people wear a hairnet, also.  


YES!!! And bald people wear a hairnet, also.  


Yeah I always love arguing with that guy that shaves his head about why he needs a hairnet

Me too! Since I shaved my head a couple of years ago as a fundraiser for a coworker going thru chemo, they always blanch a bit when I say, "when I was bald, *I* wore a hairnet, there's NO reason you can't!"

It's fun!
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Now THAT is the first reputation I've ever given out and I think it was extremely well deserved.  Bravo to you Setanta!

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<bows> Thank YOU Mr.E :D

Me too! Since I shaved my head a couple of years ago as a fundraiser for a coworker going thru chemo, they always blanch a bit when I say, "when I was bald, *I* wore a hairnet, there's NO reason you can't!"

It's fun!


That's cool and I while I would do it in support of someone.....my being bald would most likely scare people  :yikes:  :roflmao:

OK...It won't stay up here long, but here is my photo from head shaving day.

Simon, you said a long time ago that you'd like to see what we really looked like. For a brief time, THIS is what I looked like. And I wore a hairnet. But no beard net. LOL
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Cool picture. 

1 Thank

moustache must be covered as beard and hair because  same risk is associated with beard and moustache.

Personally, I think every food worker should be required to wear a hermetically sealed outfit (color coded of course). The breathable atmosphere lines might be a problem though. I guess you would really have to ensure your routes of travel were well designed.



This is an old thread, but I don't want to start a new one on an already covered topic. I would like to see mustaches covered, some are quite bushy, but the pushback I get from the plant manager is that there are the same number of hairs on your eyebrows as your mustache, therefore if you don't have to cover up your eyebrows, then you don't need to cover your mustache. I've tried saying that even if that were true (which I'm not sure about, maybe?) by covering your mustache you just reduced the total number of exposed hairs on your face by 50%! Anyone have any suggestions? Since it's not explicitly stated in SQF and auditors have never mentioned it, I don't have much say in this, although I feel like I should! 


Thanks in advance!

Our policy is unless you are clean shaven before you arrived, beard net is required!  Yep, lots of push back from others up and down the chain

I don't think you can avoid covering all facial hair (beard, mustache or side burns).   I've seen many policies that state any facial hair over 1/4 inch must be covered but who has time to walk around and measure fiscal hair, so if you're not clean shaven a beard net is mandatory.  Here is a fun topic we a currently discussing at my plant, if your plant manager gives you grief about beard nets.  How are you addressing arm hair?

I don't think you can avoid covering all facial hair (beard, mustache or side burns).   I've seen many policies that state any facial hair over 1/4 inch must be covered but who has time to walk around and measure fiscal hair, so if you're not clean shaven a beard net is mandatory.  Here is a fun topic we a currently discussing at my plant, if your plant manager gives you grief about beard nets.  How are you addressing arm hair?

beards are definitely covered, but I have a hard time with people with just mustaches... 

beards are definitely covered, but I have a hard time with people with just mustaches... 

I completely understand.  If you allow mustaches what's the risk, is your process enclosed, is your product high risk?  What are the repercussions from a personnel stand point.  Is there a length limit, is there rule for maintaining the mustache.  Who will enforce the rule?  Is the rule open to interpretation (will one shift lead enforce it different than another).  We viewed all these things as headaches and decided to go with a more blanket across the board policy.

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