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Why are black gloves not recognized under hands free sanitizer?

Started by , Feb 12 2014 09:17 PM
4 Replies

I am wondering if anyone else has run across this problem. We recenlty color coded our gloves by location in the plant. The black glove that we chose for one area of the plant do not registar when waved under our hands free sanitizer dispenser. The other two colors that we have do not have an issue. We have tried the black gloves on muliple dispensers and they have failed. 



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The sensors work with reflected light.

Black does not reflect the light.

The same happens with sensors on knee hight, for hand free contact taps. When you are wearing blacks trousers, these do also not work very good.

1 Thank

Good information I probably wouldn't have thought of that.  :doctor:



Hi all,


I can confirm Madam A input. Black trousers does not work with our sensors place in knee height.




Hi all,


I can confirm Madam A input. Black trousers does not work with our sensors place in knee height.






I know from practice.

I am alwayse wearing dark trousers, during audits.

Sometimes I have to do a little dance before the sensor.

Can you see it:  auditor comes by and she is doing a little dance and swinging her hips, before entering production.

:rofl2:  :happydance:  :roflmao:

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