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Cooked Salmon left out overnight will it be safe to eat?

Started by , Jan 17 2014 07:03 AM
3 Replies

We oven cooked a couple of small salmon fillets yesterday evening and wrapped one in foil and left to cool on side in the kitchen.  It is still there this morning and the foil feels cool, probably gets down to <10c in the kitchen overnight.  I've now put it in the fridge, but will it likely be ok if eaten cold or reheated or not at all?

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Personally I wouldn't but I'm a pedant.


Your risks are probably Listeria mainly as salmon (cooked well) probably doesn't achieve the necessary kill step to ensure a 6 log reduction.  So strictly speaking if you cooked it again and gave it a very high heat treatment, you might be ok.  Spore formers and toxin producers are probably unlikely.  That said, I wouldn't because I'm a pedant and I like my salmon only just cooked.

Hi Simon,


Apply the "2hr-4hr" rule as used by FSA / FDA / Australia albeit with (from memory) slight variations between them depending on individual strictnesses (can probably guess the relative rankings :smile: ).


Clearly a judgement call to some extent (ie T vs t) depending on, for example,  yr ambient temps / air circulation.




PS unlike (apparently)  GMO, I assume yr kitchen is managed by a L.mono savvy cook or alternatively you do not eat Salmon "rare".


Element of deja vu to this thread?


PPS, of course, if it was farmed origin, the chemicals used may have rendered it pathogen-free already. :smile:

Too much unknown about origin and holding temperature, so thrown in the bin.

Thanks for the advice.

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