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Insight for Sales Staff: The Importance of Quality/Regulatory

Started by , Jan 15 2014 10:29 PM
5 Replies



I would like to help educate and STRESS to our sales staff about the time it takes for raw material/product approval, as well as, generating finished documentation. This is something I struggle with every day!  


The idea is we would like to show our sales staff everything that we have to do on the Quality/Regulatory side to get a new product set up for production. This would be maybe a 20-30 minute presentation briefly taking them though raw material approval, finished product approval, finished product documentation creation, Kosher certification, COA template creation, etc. 


Right now the goal is to give our sales staff an insight or flow into the process so that they understand why it is important to communicate and understand certain inquires such as: Kosher status, GMO Status, special labeling claims, CofA testing requirements, etc. up front.


Any suggestions or ideas you may have on how to communicate that Quality/Regulatory is not just a “documents” job would be greatly appreciated. Not sure if anyone has a flow chart that they can share or a presentation template that they have used in the past.


Thank you for your support and time.



DK :crying: 

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Dear PremixBelle,


Thank you for your support and time.


No offence intended but this is a reciprocal concept -




Rgds / Charles.C

My apologies. Thank you for your response.



- DK

My apologies. Thank you for your response.



- DK

Dear PremixBelle,


It's no biggie. :smile:


Based on my own experience, my first choice to yr OP would be via a video. A picture speaks a thousand blah-blah. Seeing is believing.


I think there exist several (free) on-line US resources (probably FDA-type stuff) of the kind of content you refer. Some sites have previously been linked here but not recently so I don't remember the threads.


I tested searching for "video" + clicking the "as posts" in the  "display results" option. This allows you to continuously/directly scan through all the specific "hit"  texts located. Result 260 hits. Two, not quite what you were seeking but interesting, hits here - 






Obviously significant time is still involved but ...


Hopefully other people here will know links for some direct resources.


Rgds / Charles.C

1 Thank

Thank you, Charles. This really helped!!


- DK

Sales staff are charged with getting new business, new customers, more sales, more margin, meeting and beating budgets and under pressure to get customers samples, trials and orders at very short lead times.  That's their world and nothing else matters.  They often cut corners and take risks in pursuit of their goals.  In my experience they do not understand or value the rest of the business. Paperwork, specifications, rules and procedures are just a hindrance.  Now then.  What do we do?  Educate them.  But we need to sell it to them based on what value it adds to their customers...meaning specifications and providing products that are safe, legal and fit for purpose are what the customer wants and expects.  


There is a compromise between speed and flexibility and dotting the i's and crossing the t's and effective and efficient processes that optimize both is the goal.  That way the customer wins all round.  Opening the discussion is the starting point and may take the form off an overview / presentation of both areas and what they need to achieve and then work together on how to get there.

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