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What's the hazards associated with pinto beans?

Started by , Jan 14 2014 08:34 PM
2 Replies

Hello  All,

I am performing a risk assessment for all my ingredients in a beef burrito and one of the ingredients is Pinto Beans.  Does anybody know the hazards associated  with this particular product.


My thoughts are pathogens... But what pathogens... Does any body know?


Thank  you,


Marvis Brown

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Although not as hazardous as red kidney beans, pintos are the same family of bean. These contain lections or phytohaemagglutenins and can be poisonous if not properly hydrated (if starting with dried bean) and cooked (soak 24 hours if dried then boil in water for minimum 12 minutes for safety, longer simmer for texture). If you are using canned beans these have already been thermally processed and are safe to eat.

Marvis -

          Might help to know the form of your incoming beans - dry or canned? This will definitely drive the potential for potential hazards. Commercially canned beans have relatively low risk, but dry beans:

  • physical - stones, bugs, twigs, etc.
  • biological - salmonella and other pathogens...if the beans were improperly handled, dried, stored, or transported
  • chemical - see TechnicalController's comment; pesticides if improperly harvested and processed

Particularly for dry beans, the relative risk of hazards will be very dependent on the quality of your supplier...

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