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Monthly Complaint Trending

Started by , Dec 13 2013 06:01 PM
21 Replies

Hi Everyone,


I was hoping to get some ideas from people as to how they present monthly customer complaints, in their monthly HACCP meetings.

Currently we just talk through them all with no presentation just all verbal, mainly only focusing on the most important complaints due to production, maintenance issues etc.

Would it be advisable to start presenting on charts monthly or would every 3 months be better for this.

Maybe someone else has another idea?


Looking forward to hearing some suggestions..



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It largely depends on how many complaints you're getting and what type of complaints. I did my internship with a fully cooked meats facility and I was responsible for preparing the reports for the monthly co-packer meetings. These contained customer complaints related to the co-packed products as well as complaints from the facility as the products were checked every delivery. It seems like there were several categories; something like: quality-taste/texture, FM, size specification, etc. It may be worth doing charts every quarter and plan on spending a little more time to review all of the complaints, instead of just the 'important' ones. You may see some trends (depending on products) throughout the year. The reports I prepared were based on a rolling 13 months.

2 Thanks

I would advise you to be able to present trend information either verbally or on graphs.  The reason I like graphs is it may be easier to see the problem if you see it visually like that vice just listening to what someone says.


Studies show that people remember things better when it is brought to them in multiple senses also.


Plus there is so much more you can show via graph with the trends and if you have a 12 / 13 month rolling chart you can see better if any of your complaints may increase or decline during different seasons or times of the year.

Dear haccpcor,


Product / process ?


So how many complaints/month are we talking about ? 1-10, 10 -50 ? Usually none ?


Trending capability appears to imply a lot of available nonconformities ? :smile:

Based on previous threads, company maxima may rapidly over-ride any trending ? :smile:


Rgds / Charles.C

I like trend charts for some of the reasons mentioned above. It's also much easier to post charts for all relevant employees to see.

the important thing of course, is the data. It must be recorded/entered consistently. For example "014 Giant" and "Giant" may be the same thing to the person entering the data, but to a pivot table in Excel, they are two completely different things.


I would strongly suggest that you set up any data gathering to only accept inputs from a list that you have created. Do not let people entering the critical data free form type the data in. Your charts, and your data analysis will thank you later.



1 Thank

Hi All,


I have a Customer Complaints Log Sheet on excel. I have about 20 columns in there, including Customer, product type, problem type, root cause, general cause, process category, problem type, corrective actions, date when opened, date when closed, credit notes given or not, training for the operators needed or not. I log every single complaint on this Log sheet and I am updating every day.

I have filters on the top of it and I am able to filter what ever I need and whenever I need. The most important to update it every day and to log all the updates on each of the complaint.

The Management likes it so much. Also I do the Monthly Presentation on the Power POint, which I like to do, as it is very easy when you have all the data logged on excel.

I have pies on Power Point where I show the percentage of Customer complaints by Process (production, shipping, supplier problem etc), by type of problem (technical, production, supplier caused, Administration caused) by root cause (operator error, administration error, machine problem, material problem etc.), then how many we opened per month, how many we solved and closed etc.

I think it works perfectly as I can get anything I need, weekly, monthly, yearly etc. Now I have everything logged from 2011, so I can compare 3 years data and trend them.


Please see the attached excel Log Sheet, where I copied all columns.


I hope it is helpfull.


Attached Files

1 Like13 Thanks

Dear Jurate,


Amazing. :thumbup:  I hope the remuneration is commensurate. :smile:


i also hope you have an equivalent system for yr internal audit checklist.


Or perhaps you are only responsible for Customer Complaints ?


Thanks for sharing.


Rgds / Charles.C

Jurate it is very informative.It would be great if you can share how you receive costumer complains. procedure for receiving customer complains .



Thanks and regards,

I like to use a formatted 'Annual Complaints Analyser' in Excel to record complaints by type and calculate complaints per million units. This information can then be presented in whichever sort of chart you like. I happen to like the 3D one.


Examples here:


Annual Complaints Analyser - December Complaint Entry.pdf   117.97KB   925 downloads


Annual Complaints Analyser - December CPMU.pdf   121.25KB   686 downloads


Annual Complaints Analyser - Annual 3D Graph.pdf   509.82KB   739 downloads





5 Thanks

Dear Jurate,


Amazing. :thumbup:  I hope the remuneration is commensurate. :smile:


i also hope you have an equivalent system for yr internal audit checklist.


Or perhaps you are only responsible for Customer Complaints ?


Thanks for sharing.


Rgds / Charles.C

Charles, you are so right.

Jurate, it would be awesome if you could share internal audit checklist template. Of course if you have it)


Thanks for the spreadsheet for customer complaints, very helpful.





Would be weekly plant walk through reports and monthly GMP checks enough to meet Internal Audit requirements for SQF leve2 recertification? 


Thanks in advance,


Dear mehraj.udct,
Please see the Complaints Procedure attached. This procedure works perfectly for me as before that I only got pieces of information without any batch numbers or other tracebility details. Now, everybody who receives complaint by phone or email has to complete the form wich I attach to my Log Sheet. I also Hyperliking all the relevant documents to each complaint (pictures, photographs, procedures, etc.) to that excel Log Sheet, so it is realy good as you click on the complaint, you have everything in there.
All the Auditors are more than happy with my system.
Best of luck.

Attached Files

7 Thanks

Dear Charles.C,


I work with all the other Quality things, not only Customer complaints. I also have very similar Logsheet for the Supplier Problems and now I have introduced one for the INternal Problems as well, where we log all internal Problems which causes faulty Product, than I pass information to Managers (I trend the problems by departments and root causes) and we sitt and discuss weekly.


I dont think that my Internal Auditing System is good enogh. I have a Procedure, annual Plan and the documentation for the Auditors completion (non conformances report). Everythink comes back to me and I make sure the corrective actions is taken before close it off.


Does anyone know a better system?


Regards, Jurate

Dear Jurate,


Thank you so much for sharing the customer complain procedure.


Is it possible for you to share  Goods Return Sheet (242)  and Material in Quarantine Log Sheet (220) as mentioned in the procedure.


Thanks and regards,

Dear mehraj.udct

The Form 240 is compiled from the main few columns from the Form 241 (Complaints Log Sheet). Just take the Most important columns which you need to Log the Complaint: Date, Customer, Design, Batch number, Problem, Quantity of rejected/affected material. When you get this completed you will be able to copy and paste into your Logsheet and start investigation of the root cause etc and continue to update your Log. 


The Material in the Quarantine - very simple excel Log as well, where I Have columns: Customer, design, date, problem, quantity, Location, disposition, actions required by:, comments.


Hope it helps, 



1 Thank

Tks Jurete!

I am very glad I about the information I got from this, I am just got the new position of Quality Assurance Coordinator. our company is FSSC 22000 Certificate so I did not have this procedure in place.



i was audited by supplier on a BRC system. there is a finding that does not make a sense. i only had one compliant for the past five years now they made a finding that we must do a monthly complaint trending. how can i do this

i was audited by supplier on a BRC system. there is a finding that does not make a sense. i only had one compliant for the past five years now they made a finding that we must do a monthly complaint trending. how can i do this


Hi Asanele,




Pathetic finding from your supplier.


Send them this monthly trend analysis I've done for you:





Kind regards,



1 Like2 Thanks

Thanks Tony i thought as much, i reserve my comment on this :surprise:

This is quite a bit like when I was asked to provide a trend of internal rodent trap catches.
I printed out a bar chart that showed X and Y axis with no data. Because that was what the data was.


Silly auditors.



I would advise you to prepare Food Safety Risks efficiency report and include customer complaints and represent with graphs in Excel.

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