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Fire door seals

Started by , Dec 03 2013 05:40 PM
2 Replies

Hi all

We have a number of fire doors in our clean food areas that open directly to the exterior of the building.


It has been documented that certain, naughty people are using these doors to nip out to the exterior of the bullding without getting changed.


The doors are secure from the outside but can be opened from the inside just using a standard push-bar lever. They are not alarmed.


As a low-cost solution, we are looking at getting seals installed on all our doors to deter use. All options that we have seen involve a glass (or ceramic, or brittle plastic) bolt that would have to be broken in the event of opening the fire door.


I was wondering if:

- anybody had any experience of brittle bolt door seals in food preparation areas?

- what boxes do you need to tick to make sure it is acceptable in terms of glass breakages, etc.?

- are there any other alternatives that we should look for??




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Dear chrisbird,


Indeed, yr problem is, I fear, by no means unique.


IMEX, one solution is to install a CCTV camera directly above the exit. (or, if wishing to be more punitive, on a Sunday evening and not above the exit).


Engineers will possibly not be detected unless you have a mole. :smile:


Rgds / Charles.C

Hi Chris,

one thing, you could also think about is installing battery driven door guards / alarms. They will give a loud alarm tone, if moved. So you don't have to break something. O.k. they are also not very cheap, but could also help. For your information I have attached one document (unfortunately in German, but I think, the pictures are also easy to understand  :smile: )




Attached Files

  • 715.pdf   142.71KB   10 downloads

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