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Good Training methods

Started by , Nov 07 2013 07:25 PM
6 Replies

Dear All;


Please can you advise me from your experience in giving trainings , what you are doing in way to attract the trenees to you during the training day ? i will be conducting food safety training for three days and I want every one to pay attention to me or with me ?  and one more thing I need real case studies which is related to food safety .




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A couple of thoughts on training.


1. Know your material, don't read your slides if using powerpoint. Use them to underscore your points.


2. Appropriate humor, appropriately interjected can be useful. I.e..."I woke up this morning with Listeria Monocytegenes on my mind and wanted to share with all of you". Sarcasm has it's place.



For real world case studies, Jensen Farms, Peanut Corp of America or Bill Marlers battle with Jack in the Box are useful.


Good luck and no fear!



1 Thank

Hi Hygienic,

  1. If using powerpoint, don't crowd you slides with too much information. Also use coloured examples where possible. Maybe have a video or two as well.
  2. Try to engage your audience as much as possible, by asking questions. For example, "does anyone know what traceability means" etc.
  3. I agree with Mark H, add humour whenever you can. The training doesn't have to be too serious, I know food safety is a serious issue, by it helps to understand the training material if the trainer is engaging, as a relaxed personality and not uptight.
  4. For our food safety training, we get the trainees to answer a questionnaire at the end.  Just telling them at the beginning that there's a questionnaire they have to fill afterwards usually get them to be attentive.

Hope these help :-)

1 Thank

Dear hygienic,


Perhaps you might explain why 3 days is required ?


Do you hv some particular idea of topic segmentation or is there simply a very large number of people / multiple process units / insufficient instructors?


IMEX slides / videos / questionnaires are unbeatable as two components but the detail may well depend on who is being trained and for what ? eg slaughterhouse functions might be slightly different to aircraft snacks ?


Rgds / Charles.C

Dear Hygienic,

Food Safety training are subject based. When I conduct a training program, I develop a presentation with a case study based on Negative concept.

For e.g Personal hygiene: The case study will have all those pictures, example which do not meet the requirements of personal hygiene practices for the food industry. The trainees (either individually or in groups) has to list(bullet points) all the non-conforming practices. Then, I present the power point presentation on the personal hygiene requirements as per industry requirements or guidelines or international standards.


This methods has always been beneficial to me as trainer,

1. complete involvement of trainees

2. written evidence for evaluating the trainee or the group.



Geethanjali Puppala.

1 Thank



To start, 3 days is a LOT!! But anyway, my advice is not to give a class, but just start a CONVERSATION.. Stay away from PowerPoint as much as possible and use it only as a guide or time management tool.... As a general rule, you need to captivate your audience in the first 5 minutes (getting them interested).. The best way to do this is of course with a good introduction... Don’t start with boring facts about you (sorry, your bio may be interesting, but probably not for the start) Instead, talk to the audience about THEM.. I always tell them how IMPORTANT their jobs are in feeding the people but also on keeping the consumer safe and alive!! I ask thinks like; Do you trust the food you buy? Also, I ask them.. Do you know that when a product is contaminated, elderly and kids are more likely to get sick or die?. How would you feel if your own child get sick or die from something you bought at the supermarket? That is why your job and food safety are so important, THAT WILL GET THEM ENGAGED...  


Of course it depends of your audience.. here I’m assuming are plant workers, but if is management you need to better use the topics of money and JAIL… (yes. make it extreme) and the best recent case is JENSEN.. I bet if you start by telling management that lack of food safety commitment can not only take their companies, (and/or themselves) to bankruptcy, but could also take them to jail.. PLUS having to live with the regret that somebody died..., that will get them engaged…



 After that, try to keep it as a conversations instead of a lecture… safety lectures are boring no matter what you do, but conversations where people participate are better.. for this ask questions such as .. Who knows about this?  What do you think of? Have this happened to you? What do you think is the best thing to do?  ..etc..  In Safety everybody knows, or think to know a thing or two, which can make people disengaged, so use that to your advantage finding a way to get those people to participate..

1 Thank

dont forget to make rules during training, they are :


1. Avoid use Phone during training

2. Dont smoke

3. Be active


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