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HACCP Plan for Food Packaging Production

Started by , Nov 07 2013 09:41 AM
23 Replies

Hi everyone,


I am in need of some help. I am trying to develop a HACCP plan for food packaging production. For that I am looking for a HACCP Handbook and some examples for possible CCP's. I've checked out some very helpful sites on the web, but one on one interaction would be tremendously helpful!


Thank you

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Hi everyone,


I am in need of some help. I am trying to develop a HACCP plan for food packaging production. For that I am looking for a HACCP Handbook and some examples for possible CCP's. I've checked out some very helpful sites on the web, but one on one interaction would be tremendously helpful!


Thank you

Dear Waleri,


For example -




For one-on-many, I suggest you post some details of yr process and requirements.


Rgds / Charles.C

2 Thanks



I agree with Charles! If you give a little more detail it would be helpful. What kind of packaging are you producing? what kind of production lines are in your facility? I work in the paperboard packaging industry and we just recently certified to a GFSI Scheme (FSSC 22000). I can share some info with you if I know more about what your process is. Good luck with everything!



Hi, thanks for the quick response.

We are producing
IBC's for foodpackaging (Intermediate Bulk Container).

For example:

Process steps:

1. Blowmolding the plastic bottle (is sealed immediately after manufacture)

2. Insert the bottle into the cage

3. Leak test (the upper opening is removed and resealed immediately after the test)

I hope these are the information you need.

Many thanks in advance


Dear Waleri,


Not my area but the product you describe seems to be typical of the "rigid plastics model" category in my previous posted website. a model haccp plan is supplied there.


I guess the matching similarity as far as prerequisites, CCPs are concerned will depend on yr own detailed production chart / risk assessment.


If you have reservations over above analysis for yr own case, please feel free to elaborate.


Not sure if there are any rigid plastics "people" posting on this forum. Time will tell. :smile:


Rgds / Charles.C

1 Thank

Thank you Charles,


I check this document and maybe we can use it.


I have another quastion:


Only the bottle is in contact with food and we use only new materials and close the bottle immediately after manufacturing... is there a CCP?





Thank you Charles,


I check this document and maybe we can use it.


I have another quastion:


Only the bottle is in contact with food and we use only new materials and close the bottle immediately after manufacturing... is there a CCP?






The textbook answer is it depends on your flowchart / process / hazard analysis (risk assessment).


It is possible that you may be able to demonstrate for yr process that there is no significant risk from the 4 hazards which generated CCPs in the model haccp plan on site above. Or any additional potential hazards.


Rgds / Charles.C



I agree with Charles! If you give a little more detail it would be helpful. What kind of packaging are you producing? what kind of production lines are in your facility? I work in the paperboard packaging industry and we just recently certified to a GFSI Scheme (FSSC 22000). I can share some info with you if I know more about what your process is. Good luck with everything!





I have a question and given your response, it might be something you could answer.  We are in the beginning stages with our HACCP team.  We are printers, who produce flexible packaging.  Is it necessary for us to swab machines, door handles etc to show that they are contaminated?  Or can we just add cleaning frequencies of these items to our overall food safety plan?


Thanks to any insight you can provide,



Dear Funke,


I guess this is an extended query to this thread/process -




I'm not in USA or packaging  so am unclear for whom this haccp plan is intended ? Is this for (a) a regulatory requirement, eg for USFDA (or ?)  or (b) a private standard like FSSC22000 ? The answer usually defines the scope of yr responsibilities as related to yr specific process.


For (a) other US posters here, including yourself, will undoubtedly know more than myself (ie > zero :smile: ). (The precise US Packaging regulatory situation may have been discussed previously on this forum, i don't remember, sorry).

For (b) there is likely some direct info. in this forum but depending on the process / standard.


Perhaps you can clarify the situation a little more. Or anybody else in USA of course. :smile:


Rgds / Charles.C

I have a question too!



I am also currently working on my HACCP plan and we are a plastic manufacturing company, we make plastic containers for food packaging. For the past month I have been meeting with my HACCP Team and have only pinpointed literal physical hazards (cuts, burns etc.) to our employees, nothing yet that would affect the product for the end user, So my question is:


1. Is it ok for me to put plans in place to eliminate or reduce a literal physical hazard to my employees and


2. Why don't I hace any CCPs. I am sure this isn't accectable.


and please excuse me for sounding dumb, but I come from the ISO world and have only been in the SQF world for little less than a year. I am still leaning as the time goes by.

You can have a HACCP plan without a CCP.  It shows that you have done the risk analysis and while you may control points, you don't have any critical control points.  We have had several audits where it was agreed we don't have a CCP. 


Physical hazards to employees are not HACCP, but would apply to your safety programs related to personnel not your food or packaging safety.  Absolutely put them in place to protect your staff, but don't put those in your HACCP plan. 

Hi everyone,


I am in need of some help. I am trying to develop a HACCP plan for food packaging production. For that I am looking for a HACCP Handbook and some examples for possible CCP's. I've checked out some very helpful sites on the web, but one on one interaction would be tremendously helpful!


Thank you


A lot of the hazards I see with regards to containers are physical/foreign bodies, you are more knowledgeable about your process than anyone on the forums and should follow it through to look for ways that foreign bodies can end up in that IBC.





1 Thank


You can have a HACCP plan without a CCP.  It shows that you have done the risk analysis and while you may control points, you don't have any critical control points.  We have had several audits where it was agreed we don't have a CCP. 


Physical hazards to employees are not HACCP, but would apply to your safety programs related to personnel not your food or packaging safety.  Absolutely put them in place to protect your staff, but don't put those in your HACCP plan. 


Perfect thank you so much!

Perfect thank you so much!




My pleasure!

As snookie indicated no CCPs is fine if justified through the hazard analysis.


Just to say some things that I have seen as CCP's in printed packaging are print defects (missing print), incorrect print plate used etc.  If allergens involved could be serious.  Also mixing different printed designs during production, so customer gets some wrong labelled stock, again could be serious, so need good production order, label control and robust line clearance.  Just some things to consider.  Even if not CCP's in the traditional sense of the word, some of the more serious hazards in printed packaging I think.


Welcome to the forums Loni.


I'm into packaging if you have further questions...feel free to start any new topics and I will try to help.

As snookie indicated no CCPs is fine if justified through the hazard analysis.


Just to say some things that I have seen as CCP's in printed packaging are print defects (missing print), incorrect print plate used etc.  If allergens involved could be serious.  Also mixing different printed designs during production, so customer gets some wrong labelled stock, again could be serious, so need good production order, label control and robust line clearance.  Just some things to consider.  Even if not CCP's in the traditional sense of the word, some of the more serious hazards in printed packaging I think.


Welcome to the forums Loni.


I'm into packaging if you have further questions...feel free to start any new topics and I will try to help.

Thanks Simon! I am super appreciative of this forum its helped me ALOT!

Purely as a devil's advocate comment -


Some authoritative documents will claim (or imply) that if there are no CCPs there is also no HACCP Plan.


Thanks / Charles.C

Purely as a devil's advocate comment -


Some authoritative documents will claim (or imply) that if there are no CCPs there is also no HACCP Plan.


Thanks / Charles.C


Really, I never heard that. I don't agree.

Really, I never heard that. I don't agree.


It may be down to what people refer to as a 'HACCP plan'


The CODEX definition of a HACCP plan is: A document prepared in accordance with the principles of HACCP to ensure control of hazards which are significant for food safety in the segment of the food chain under consideration.


If you have no CCP's then I don't see there being a 'HACCP plan' but a 'Control Plan' for hazards identified but not deemed significant is very likely and some people may still call this a HACCP plan. There will also be documented Hazard Analysis to demonstrate how the organization came to the conclusion that there are no CCPs.





1 Thank
Ok I see. It still says HACCP on the cover and no NC's, so just a semantic boffin argument you are likely to hear at a codex convention.

Ok I see. It still says HACCP on the cover and no NC's, so just a semantic boffin argument you are likely to hear at a codex convention.




Maybe, as long as it does the job it doesn't really matter what people want to call it.

One reasonably well-known source for my comment is FSIS.




PS - on the other hand, this one is semantic logic -


haccp plan.png


You confuse people by posting information relating to food when the post is about food packaging, hopefully you can see that?

Hi tony,


Problem solved



I recently did an advanced HACCP course and the document which you create AFTER the Process Hazard Analysis is called the HACCP Plan, and it outlines the cdritical step, the potential hazards, the cause of the hazards, the control measure, critical limits, monitoring ( procedure, responsibilty and frequency) Corrective action, Document references and verification. 


The clue is in the name... Hazard Analysis and CRITICAL CONTROL POINTS


I have attached a generic copy.


What is generally referred to as the HACCP Plan is in many casesthe attendant risk assessments and ancillary documents which allow you to produce a HACCP Plan, this could also be referred to as the HACCP System. If you have no CCPs you have no HACCP Plan but you will have a Pre-requisite plan and a Food safety management system.




Attached Files

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