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Contact time for sanitizing food contact surfaces

Started by , Oct 24 2013 12:17 AM
3 Replies



What should be the contact time for a sanitizer (chlorine) around 200 ppm concentration on a food contact surface?





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Hi Antony,


Hope that the attached documents could help you in answering your query.




3 Thanks



What should be the contact time for a sanitizer (chlorine) around 200 ppm concentration on a food contact surface?






Dear Antony,


In truth (and in textboooks) you will find an enormous range of possible answers to yr query depending on the actual situation, eg product / process / location / cleanliness / chemical ("chlorine" is potentially ambiguous).


Rgds / Charles.C


PS (added) - For a few ideas of the variability, maybe see this thread -



Hi. Thank you for the data. 


Is there any updated guidelines for these data as of this year or recent? 




Hi Antony,


Hope that the attached documents could help you in answering your query.



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