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Can hairnets be worn outside in the docking area?

Started by , Sep 27 2013 07:27 PM
10 Replies

Hello All,


I just had our USDA inspector here in the plant and he observed an employee outside in the parking lot with a hairnet on eating lunch in their car.  I know this is unacceptable so I have issued a corrective action for all employees to not wear a hairnet outside the plant premises.   Our employees are required to wear aprons as well and they are required to remove those aprons when using the restoom, outside, lunch room ect.  Should the same rules apply to hairnets? However, our shipping and receiving area is outside as well and it is enclosed by a gate around the perimeter of the plant. Our shipping and receiving crew goes in the warehouse and outside the plant in the docking area quite a lot. Is it okay for them to wear their hairnets outside in the docking area or should that rule apply to them as well.  Is it okay for them to put the hairnet in their pockets when outside then back on their heads as they re-enter the plant.


Please let me know your thoughts?


Thank you in advance,



M. Brown

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Just a quick one.

I was told last week that a hairnet should never be taken off and put back on again.  If removed for any reason and for any length of time it should be disposed of. The reason being it can be put back on inside out and then we have the potential for hair contamination of workwear.  It makes sense.  

If eating in the car is allowed then hairnet should be disposed of and get a fresh one after lunch before putting workwear on.  Hairnets should always be put on prior to other workwear for obvious reasons.




1 Thank

Just a quick one.

I was told last week that a hairnet should never be taken off and put back on again.  If removed for any reason and for any length of time it should be disposed of. The reason being it can be put back on inside out and then we have the potential for hair contamination of workwear.  It makes sense.  

If eating in the car is allowed then hairnet should be disposed of and get a fresh one after lunch before putting workwear on.  Hairnets should always be put on prior to other workwear for obvious reasons.




 what about the docking area?  What are your thoughts for that too?

Dear MBrown,


Perhaps a Policy is easier -


Hairnets intended for use within the food manufacturing area are always worn "there". And only there.


Then define the manufacturing area. This may require a little thought. :smile:


I would imagine that most manufacturer's have a corollary policy something like "hairnets are not to be taken outside of the manufacturing area". IMEX, the specific  "relinquishing point" / re-usability can vary depending on the area risk status, local requirements, etc. 


You might consider looking at some of the supplier manuals examples referred on this site, eg Tesco (very eloquent on this topic from memory).


So, is the docking area part of the "manufacturing area" ?


( Theoretically, just think "Cross-contamination". Likely or not ? In practice it may not always be totally black / white but auditors will typically take the worst case scenario so act accordingly).


Rgds / Charles.C

Wearing any kind of PPE/work gear while eating greatly increases your chances of multiple contaminations. Allergens, dirt, human illness, etc...

Dear MBrown,

Perform risk assessment will help solving problem. Why hairnet is required at the dock? Is there any chance for cross contamination occuring at the dock?

Well, if the materials received at the dock are always delivered in close containers, I think no hairnet is required. If the materials received at the dock are delivered as open containers and directly bring into the processing areas as received condition, the hairnet is required. If the materials received at the dock are delivered as open containers, but they are subjected to some priliminary processing step before entering the processing areas (e.g. pre-washing), hairnet might not necessary.

As comments above, hairnet should not be reused except it is clearly sign or mark which side should be wear inside (touch hairs) and while side should be outside....it might be borderline accept for the reused one.

Wearing protective gears (including hairnet and beard net) while consuming food/drink, using toilet, and smoking are not acceptable anyway since it is potential for cross contamination.


Simon makes a good point, I agree.


I think the bottom line is, as part of your food safety plan you have to demonstrate how you have control over these identified risks.  There is usually no absolute rule that applies to everyone; it is your responsibility to demonstrate that the controls you have in place are adequate.  So if your shipping area has adequate separation from the production floor, and you have a policy which personnel follow, that before entering a production area with exposed product they put on a hair net, then I don't think they even need to wear a hair net in the shipping area.  The product is in a sealed package and therefore there is no risk of contamination.  But you have to show that in your hazard analysis. 


One issue I think you may run into is forklift drivers that move about the facility between zones.  They need to have hair nets on.


I hope my comments are useful to you.

1 Thank

Good comments all, I agree with Jonboy.

Dear Jonboy,


One issue I think you may run into is forklift drivers that move about the facility between zones.  They need to have hair nets on.


Thoughtful idea. No offence intended but seems a little Monty Pythonesque perhaps ? Shades of the Lumberjack Song ?. :smile:


Rgds / Charles.C

Hi all,


in our company (fine bakery) hair net is worn as long people are in the plant area (not hygiene or manufacturing area). Leaving the building they have to take off the hair net and littered (no reuse). Our procedure includes the sequence to dress or andress. First the hair net has to be placed covering all hairs and the ears. Then the coat has to be dressed in the lock to the manufacturing/hygiene area. Leaving the area the coat has to be placed in the lock. Hair net is worn furtheron (in the rest rooms, cantine, offices etc.). This procedure is based on a risk analysis th reduced foreign material contamination (hairs) effectively.




Hello All,




I just had our USDA inspector here in the plant and he observed an employee outside in the parking lot with a hairnet on eating lunch in their car.  I know this is unacceptable so I have issued a corrective action for all employees to not wear a hairnet outside the plant premises.   Our employees are required to wear aprons as well and they are required to remove those aprons when using the restoom, outside, lunch room ect.  Should the same rules apply to hairnets? However, our shipping and receiving area is outside as well and it is enclosed by a gate around the perimeter of the plant. Our shipping and receiving crew goes in the warehouse and outside the plant in the docking area quite a lot. Is it okay for them to wear their hairnets outside in the docking area or should that rule apply to them as well.  Is it okay for them to put the hairnet in their pockets when outside then back on their heads as they re-enter the plant.


Please let me know your thoughts?


Thank you in advance,



M. Brown


Hello Mr. Brown,


Just to be clear:

is the docking area covered?

is shipping and receiving area in the yard? or in this docking area?





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