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Hi from Australia

Started by , Sep 09 2013 05:36 AM
6 Replies

Hi Everyone,


New member from Australia. 


I'm currently a government food safety auditor with Dairy expertise.


Happy to help with any questions relating to Dairy.



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Nice to see another Aussie on the forum. Do you have any experience in food safety systems for packaging manufacturers?



Hi RXA, welcome to the forums. 


We have a number of members with dairy experience, so hopefully you will be able to share some ideas with them.


@David my specialism is packaging, if you have questions I will try and answer for you.




Thanks David and Simon.


David - I usually only see the end point - i.e. sites (standards) requiring their packaging suppliers to be certified.



Simon / RXA


I am working with a packaging manufacturer that is seeking to be HACCP accredited, and at this stage I don't see any major issues there.


However, one of the sites customers has an issue with the production premises in that it is an older building with exposed hardwood framing. We are proposing to clad the walls to 2.4m or so, but the customer is still uncomfortable and is asking that we clad the entire building and install a false ceiling. This may not be practicable financially.


Do you have any suggestions as to how best approach this problem?





An interesting one - Standard 3.2.3 of the Food Standards Code details requirements for walls and ceilings (applicable to food premises) and this would be the perspective of the sites customer.


Any works that are done need to be considered to not introduce additional risk e.g a false ceiling facilitating pest harbourage. A effective seal on the beams (varnish/paint) may be enough to satisfy the customer. However this again may pose more problems with the potential for paint flakes etc...


My 2 cents...

1 Thank

Hello David

I  am a packaging technical, quality and commercial person and have dealt with Simon from Downunder for a number of years.


I have audited most packaging manufacturers in Australia and New Zealand. Many do not understand the requirements for Food Grade Packaging Manufacturing.


Please let me know if you require any assistance (freebees or paying work).


We are also building a "Packaging Food Safety Preaudit" programme to assit manufacturers get ready for audits.

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