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Understanding BRC Unannounced Audits

Started by , Sep 05 2013 08:37 PM
6 Replies

I cam across the document at the link below and thought it might be useful for members:

PDF - Understanding the BRC Unannounced Audit Programme




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This is quite interesting Ian.


According to the BRC's own guidelines, you have to opt for an unannounced audit in the 3 months following your certification audit. After this date you can't opt in until your next (announced) audit.


So, if I'm correct, my audit is due in March next year, so if my CB turns up after October 1st and before my anniversary date in March, I can legitimately turn them away as I've not yet opted to go unannounced.


And these guidelines were published on 7th July which was AFTER the ASDA announcement regarding BRC Unannounced Audits.



Yesterday I went to a very interesting seminar run by Cert ID (a certification body)regarding unannounced audits. From the participants there I think the main thing that concerns everyone is the BRC unannounced turning up the same time as a booked (or another unannounced ) audit.

There was actually a speaker there from BRC and although he could give some advise, and confirm that the BRC are in talks with retailers regarding unannounced audits, my perception is that its going to be a case of who shouts the loudest on the day!

We are a very small company, and I think it's unfair to expect one of my compatriots to have to go through our HACCP in any detail with an auditor. (I wouldn't want to try and explain yields and efficiencies) Don't get me wrong, their au fait with it, but I don't expect them to know every word of (as I live and breath it). They are trained to Level 3 HACCP, but the truth is to them its just another essential document (this does not mean that they don't buy into it; I am very fortunate that I have total management commitment). They know I have a schedule for calibration, internal audits etc but its not fair to have to ask them to explain things. I AM EMPLOYED AS THE TECHNICAL MANAGER, and although we have QA's their I wouldn't expect them to sit and explain some of our policies, risk assessments etc. I'm the one who has the credentials and qualifications to back up my knowledge / role.

I'm not afraid of an unannounced audit; I seem to have an audit every week so we are always audit ready, and yes, we have a plan in place for unannounced audits, but I would like to be here for them. 15 days in a 9 month period is unrealistic to block out (I've had 22 audits up to September, and already another 3 booked in the next 3 weeks, and that does not include SA / BRC)

On another note, there was a speaker from Gael who had a great presentation on Quality Systems and how the documents "fit" together. Jim, from Gael, uses this site and mentioned it in his presentation. I've asked him to post his presentation on here as I think it might benefit some of our members, especially in light of some of the recent posts we've had. Q-Pulse, which Gael supply, is an excellent system. I've been fortunate enough to have used in the past and it really does do what it says it does.

Caz x
1 Thank

Hi Caz, thanks for the feedback.  A least they're getting their heads together.  As you know I'm an advocate of the principal of unannounced audits to ensure food safety and quality are part of everyday life and not a show for VIP's.  On the other hand I fully recognize and empathize with the plight of those who have to deal with an already ridiculous workload. 




The bottom line question is "Does ASDA still accept products from facility with certification showed as 'announced audit' with audit dates after October 1, 2013?"

Hi Caz


Thanks for the kind comments about my presentation at the CertID Conference.


My presentation is attached, hope you get some value from it.




Ps: Yesterday I ran a follow up webinar on the subject that goes into some strategies to help with unannonced audits. When the recording is available I will post that as well.

Opps! Looks like I didnt upload it correctly.


Here is my Unannounced BRC Audit presentation now.


See below.

Attached Files

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