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Do employees in slaughter plants need a hepatitis B shot?

Started by , Aug 09 2013 03:07 PM

In the USA you cannot require employees to be vaccinated against Hep B. 

If employees may be exposed to Hep B as part of their job, you should offer them the choice to be vaccinated or not,


A consent/refusal form should be completed for any employee that may be exposed as part of their job description.


Numerous examples of consent/refusal forms exist. Google it or contact your HR Department, they should have the necessary form.



1 Reply

Does employees in a Slaughter plants need a hepatitis B shot??

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In the USA you cannot require employees to be vaccinated against Hep B. 

If employees may be exposed to Hep B as part of their job, you should offer them the choice to be vaccinated or not,


A consent/refusal form should be completed for any employee that may be exposed as part of their job description.


Numerous examples of consent/refusal forms exist. Google it or contact your HR Department, they should have the necessary form.



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