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Is Ice a temperature sensitive product - any guidelines?

Started by , Aug 01 2013 04:18 AM
7 Replies

Is ICE is temperature sensitive product? Is there any list to refer for the product category?

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What type of ice? 


Depending on the use, Yes and No.


For tube ice for example,


For human consumption (food), Yes because, In my opinion, as to consider quality, the main thing to consider if we talk about ice product is it's appearance. So normally, to maintain appearance quality, preserving the product, ice must be stored in the best temperature to prevent it from melting and prevent growth of harmful bacteria.


For industrial purpose (non-food), No, since the main purpose is to cool/chill the subject. So irregardless of its appearance, one should be ok.

What type of ice? 


Depending on the use, Yes and No.


For tube ice for example,


For human consumption (food), Yes because, In my opinion, as to consider quality, the main thing to consider if we talk about ice product is it's appearance. So normally, to maintain appearance quality, preserving the product, ice must be stored in the best temperature to prevent it from melting and prevent growth of harmful bacteria.


For industrial purpose (non-food), No, since the main purpose is to cool/chill the subject. So irregardless of its appearance, one should be ok.


I would have thought that (as a minimum) the water used to make the ice (for Food) would have to comply with Drinking Water Regulations, and ice making facility checked against an L8 assessment


Caz x

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Ice used as an ingredient for food, or as part of a drink , should be tested regularly for potability, and monitored to stay below Freezing <32f or 0 c . If it is purchased ice , it should go thru the same supplier approval process as other ingredients, C of A, Lot numbers, GMP program , HACCP, bla bla la you know the drill.
Product Category? Water.
Hope this helps
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Is ICE is temperature sensitive product? Is there any list to refer for the product category?

Dear Carine,

you need to clarify what you mean by "sensitive" ?

Rgds / Charles.C

the 'sensitive' here means is the product get spoil easily when temperature change. 

I found Jeff's (Olddairyman) response pretty thorough. 


Ice used as an ingredient for food, or as part of a drink , should be tested regularly for potability, and monitored to stay below Freezing <32f or 0 c . If it is purchased ice , it should go thru the same supplier approval process as other ingredients, C of A, Lot numbers, GMP program , HACCP, bla bla la you know the drill.
Product Category? Water.
Hope this helps


I would probably recommend a temperature of less than 10 degrees F for solidilty, but potability, temperature monitoring and pathogen testing would be vital.  Perhaps we are not understanding your question?




Ice is a tempreature sesitive product as it needs a certain amount of tempreature to be maintained. No matter how it is used, if you have to store it, you need the freezing system in place.

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