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What other Quality Forums Do you people follow?

Started by , Jul 09 2013 03:49 AM
14 Replies

hello...myself rekha,graduate in M.tech Biotechnology with specialization in Food Technology.I am Interested in pursuing a long term career in Quality Assurance department in a food Industry.So, to learn more about the opportunities in this field could you please let me know what other forums do you follow.I appreciate your willingness to advise me. thanx

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I like to visit C*#!!.com for quality and ISO system related information.

I think you will find the IFSQN is the most comprehensive networking website in the world for food safety & quality issues.  The breadth and depth of discussion, information and file archives is second to none...and we are adding more for you such as the recent Food Safety Live conference and also we now are going to build our food safety media library.

Take a look at our member informaton.


2 Thanks

II like to visit C*#!!.com for quality and ISO system related information.



Thankyou for providing the requested information.

I think you will find the IFSQN is the most comprehensive networking website in the world for food safety & quality issues.  The breadth and depth of discussion, information and file archives is second to none...and we are adding more for you such as the recent Food Safety Live conference and also we now are going to build our food safety media library.

Take a look at our member informaton.




Yes,I find this website very helpful in beginning my carrer in this field.i am sure i can learn a lot here. Thanks

i am interested in working in the quality assurance department of a food industry.Could you please let me know what SKILLS are required for that and what is the starting position,entry level position for a post graduate.

I also look at the FSA website http://www.food.gov.uk/


Europa http://ec.europa.eu/...islation_en.htm


RASFF https://webgate.ec.e...tificationsList




The IFSQN is the site which I use first and foremost.


Caz x

1 Thank

IFSQN, by far is the best and only forum I go to for food safety and other quality issues.

1 Thank

I think I have gotten the most comprehensive coverage right here.

1 Thank

I only mess with y'all fools, unless I need pizza advice.

I highly recommend you visit the C*#!! C*#!. It's a quality assurance forum literaly frequented by the tens of thousands.

Visit the forums, the free documents page etc...

It does not specialise in food but everthing there is very complimentary to what you find here.

1 Thank

There's nothing even close to comparable to ISFQN when it comes to food safety and quality. I've learned so much from this place and am so grateful it exists. Simon, Charles and the folks behind the scenes are a huge boost to anyone who is in the business of keeping our food supply safe, and so many members are incredibly generous with their time and expertise. Great stuff!!

For just stories and background I like to read Barfblog.com.  Not just because Doug Powell and Ben Chapman are also Canadian.  But will read alot of what others are doing wrong and can ask yourself....hmmmm can that happen to us.

For just stories and background I like to read Barfblog.com.  Not just because Doug Powell and Ben Chapman are also Canadian.  But will read alot of what others are doing wrong and can ask yourself....hmmmm can that happen to us.

I agree, Doug Powell is a jewel of readability.


Rgds / Charles.C

Unfortunately, I have issues with Doug Powell's style. I find the mix of potty humor detracts from the seriousness I feel foodborne illness should be handled.


You want feces jokes, OK, but then I really can't take you seriously with regards to reporting.


A Definite YMMV. 


While on the subject of food for thought, how about what are intriguing food safety magazines to read if you are in the industry and want continual education on the industry standards? I wouldnt mind doing some light reading on breaks or before I go to bed on food safety topics outside of this great site!

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