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How can I check the strength of inline magnet separators?

Started by , Jun 30 2013 11:54 AM
2 Replies

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        How can I measure the strength of inline magnets in the cleaning line of Raw sesame seeds? :helpplease:   

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As long as the magnets are easily accessible,(which they should be for inspection and cleaning purposes)a magnet pull strength kit can be purchased relatively cheap. We use one of these to check all of our inline magnets http://www.eriez.com...ts/PullTestKit/
1 Thank


you can also use a Gauss-meter. But please remember, that cylindric magnets are usually connected small magnets into one big bar. There you hvae to check the whole length. Only measuring on one spot coule lead to the wrong conclusions (e.g. accepting the magnet, allthough it is broken on different position).



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