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Kosher/Halal Requirements

Started by , May 13 2013 07:51 PM
7 Replies

Can anyone please confirm that if we go from a non-kosher certified/non-halal certified product to a Kosher/HALAL certified product, the only requirement is a complete washout before manufacturing the HALAL product ?



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Can anyone please confirm that if we go from a non-kosher certified/non-halal certified product to a Kosher/HALAL certified product, the only requirement is a complete washout before manufacturing the HALAL product ?

Dear bnue,


I don't know the requirements for Halal certified in USA.

but in Indonesia, there are many requirements need to be completed, such as :

1. Halal Assurance System / HAS (FSMS in ISO 22000),

2. Raw material matrix (raw material name, producer's name and address, halal certification body and number and expire date)

3. SOP for Halal production including, SOP Incoming Material, Production, QC etc.

4. Others document, e.g statement of pork free facility, Evidence of Halal Policy dissemination, Evidence of Internal Training execution, Evidence of Internal Audit execution


Halal and Kosher certification are different so I don't know for Kosher certification.




Hi Bnue

If you are already making certified Kosher / Halal products then you will have been audited by a suitable certification body.

As part of the certification process they should have given you their requirements of what needs to be in place before production of certified products can begin.


I would recommend contacting the certification body and getting their requirements of what you need to do.





For Kosher there are different types or certification 'Kosher' and 'Kosher - with Pass Over status'. I do not know which one you mean, but make sure you ask your customers if they have any specific requirements. As Ian R already said contact the certification body as they can explain the cost, initial audit time, control visits (monthly for example) and the different requirements.


Good luck!



Hello everyone,


Thanks for all your responses. Below is what I found out from the respective organizations-




As long as no pork or pork-derived ingredients involved, a complete washdown is the requirement


For Kosher -


In addition to the requirement that all ingredients (including anti-foam and other production aids) used to make a kosher product must be certified kosher, the equipment used to produce the product must meet kosher requirements as well. As previously discussed, meat and dairy products cannot be mixed or produced on the same equipment. In addition, if a product will be  pareve (neutral), it cannot be produced on dairy or meat equipment.


In order to make used equipment suitable for kosher production, or to change a production line from meat or dairy to pareve, a special process, called kosherizing, must take place. Kosherizing is done by the rabbi assigned to your facility and involves a process of cleaning and purging the equipment of its non-kosher status. After all equipment is left idle for 24 hours, it is meticulously cleaned by facility staff and inspected for cleanliness by the rabbi. Then, depending on the type of equipment, the rabbi oversees the actual kosherization. There are a few methods, which vary based on the

equipment, and include boiling, use of steam, and purging through direct contact with fire.


Once this process is complete, the production equipment becomes kosher according to Jewish law. Kosherization is also required to produce Passover products in a facility that was used to produce other products during the year.

Yeah you really don't want to run non-kosher ingredients on a kosher line unless you don't mind having to have the rabbi come every time you want to switch back to kosher.  Just one non-kosher ingredient is enough to lose the kosher status of a line/product. 

Dear bnue,


I don't know the requirements for Halal certified in USA.

but in Indonesia, there are many requirements need to be completed, such as :

1. Halal Assurance System / HAS (FSMS in ISO 22000),

2. Raw material matrix (raw material name, producer's name and address, halal certification body and number and expire date)

3. SOP for Halal production including, SOP Incoming Material, Production, QC etc.

4. Others document, e.g statement of pork free facility, Evidence of Halal Policy dissemination, Evidence of Internal Training execution, Evidence of Internal Audit execution


Halal and Kosher certification are different so I don't know for Kosher certification.




Peace upon you brother Hadi,


Currently, our premise want to apply for Halal Certification. I'm in Malaysia btw. Can you please provide me a sample of Manual for Halal Assurance System?

Best thanks, wassalam.

Peace upon you brother Hadi,


Currently, our premise want to apply for Halal Certification. I'm in Malaysia btw. Can you please provide me a sample of Manual for Halal Assurance System?

Best thanks, wassalam.


I don't have my company's Halal Assurance System in English version

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