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Please Share Examples of Your Key Performance Indicator Programs

Started by , May 01 2013 04:32 PM
6 Replies
I am trying to expand a new KPI program to include all departments...Does anyone have any good program examples?

Thank you!
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Please try this attachment and let me know how you get on.


The file is LOCKED however there is no password. I have locked the file as there are codes/formulae in lots of boxes that link each other up to make it easier to complete.


It may take a little while to navigate however it was really useful in a previous company when I developed it.


Any problems, please let me know.


Page 1 - Just insert the month - in 3 digit format only, and the year. Use 3 digits as it pulls this in to other pages.


The final page is set out so it can be printed for a staff canteen area and gives top level information for production workers. Here all you need to do is give a few reasons why there are blips in the system.





Attached Files

1 Like13 Thanks

Thank you Mesophile!  I will try it out and report back.. 

Greetings All,


I am most elated to be a member (!) of the IFSQN; this wealth of information and the access to specialists in each and every aspect of this diverse field. I must admit, at the outset I merely took up Food Technology from an interest in food. However, eighteen years in the industry had instilled such a pride and passion for the (apparently) mundane e.g. Graham crackers. I have only individuals, of which this forum is representative, to thank for enriching, enlightening and fuelling (as it were) my enthusiasm, and appreciation of the responsibility, associated with being a Food Technologist.


In the same vein, this post i.e. Mesophile's KPI Summary Report for QA had brought to light a Management Report (akin to a Dashboard), I had been wrestling with for well over 13 months.



I shall be hard-pressed to dissociate from the this forum; through Simon's initiative a portal of limitless and insightful knowledge has hitherto, made an invaluable contribution to my career.


Thank you to EACH & EVERY MEMBER of IFSQN!



1 Thank

Greetings All,


I am most elated to be a member (!) of the IFSQN; this wealth of information and the access to specialists in each and every aspect of this diverse field. I must admit, at the outset I merely took up Food Technology from an interest in food. However, eighteen years in the industry had instilled such a pride and passion for the (apparently) mundane e.g. Graham crackers. I have only individuals, of which this forum is representative, to thank for enriching, enlightening and fuelling (as it were) my enthusiasm, and appreciation of the responsibility, associated with being a Food Technologist.


In the same vein, this post i.e. Mesophile's KPI Summary Report for QA had brought to light a Management Report (akin to a Dashboard), I had been wrestling with for well over 13 months.



I shall be hard-pressed to dissociate from the this forum; through Simon's initiative a portal of limitless and insightful knowledge has hitherto, made an invaluable contribution to my career.


Thank you to EACH & EVERY MEMBER of IFSQN!




Wow Graham, thanks for your introduction.  It's great to hear such passion and enthusiasm for your vocation; I'm sure this transmits to your colleagues and customers and also adds a lot of value to your business.  We at the IFSQN are very pleased to have you as a member.  Our goal is to provide a platform for members to share ideas and information and we always strive hard to improve how we do it.  It's our passion!




Hi  Simon


Thank you for sharing a very useful format. but I want to develop it according to my company with few changes in that format but because that sheet is protected so can't able to do that. please suggest how could I able to do that.

My key performance indicators are
1. personal hygiene inspection in food industry
2.cleanliness of equipment and accessories and
3. pest control and
4.employee general health and medical certificate

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