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What are the allowable limits for metals in chicken nuggets?

Started by , May 01 2013 12:09 AM
6 Replies
Hi there! what would be the allowable limits for metals in chicken nuggets? Whether the regulatory or industry practices. This question is for ferrous, non-ferrous and stainless steel.

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As far as I know the USDA or FDA have not issued a number as a maximum. There is an old document that most people use that says anything in the range of 7-25 mm in any direction. One of my colleagues informed me that this was due to the inabilities of early model metal detectors to detect metal in dense meats.
1 Thank
We use 2.5 mm for Fe NFe and SS.
HI Larrauri50,

Just to add to Bill's advice, this has been the subject of a number of posts recently. We recently prepared a white paper on the subject which you might find helpful in considering some of the other aspects which determine the specification for metal detection systems.


White Paper Metal Detection
2 Thanks

We use 2.5 mm for Fe NFe and SS.

this values are include on HACCP PCC??

Hi there! what would be the allowable limits for metals in chicken nuggets? Whether the regulatory or industry practices. This question is for ferrous, non-ferrous and stainless steel.

Dear Larrauri,

This is one of the most requested topics on this forum, particularly linked with "CCP".
There is no universal answer to yr question, or (probably) requlatory, industry, geographical whatever, and probably not for chicken nuggets either.

Typically, for one product, it's often a company spec., or maybe yr own metal detector manufacturer's data, or USFDA's opinions if you wish an impressive validation.

This post from George has a quite popular source table (see later posts/same thread for details) in it. There are surely dozens of others though if you care to do some searching.


Rgds / Charles.C
1 Thank

HI Larrauri50,

Just to add to Bill's advice, this has been the subject of a number of posts recently. We recently prepared a white paper on the subject which you might find helpful in considering some of the other aspects which determine the specification for metal detection systems.


White Paper Metal Detection

Hi George

I have just downloaded this and it's an excellent reference document. What's nice is that it's written in easy to understand english and not techni speak!

Thanks for sharing.

Caz x

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