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Looking for some helpful tips on becoming a contract auditor

Started by , Mar 25 2013 10:37 PM
4 Replies
Looking for some helpful tips you've learned about becoming a contract auditor.

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First off are you experienced / qualified?

What kind of contract auditor, outsourced internal audits for companies or third party auditing against standards such as BRC, SQF, IFS etc.


First off are you experienced / qualified?

What kind of contract auditor, outsourced internal audits for companies or third party auditing against standards such as BRC, SQF, IFS etc.


I'm currently working for a CB but want to move to contract from full time.
Check the auditing firms , AIB, SGS,Silliker,NSF, that administer with BRC , SQF, etc. As an example; "SQF auditor" a few steps are needed , 1 Practitioner , 2 Consultant , then 3 Auditor. Go on their web for details for each step and the needed qualifications. BRC SQF ,ISO 22000 and other GSFI programs have similar expectations, experience and education. You have to be willing to travel, motel life can be rough, and live with a lap-top. Good luck Jeff

Looking for some helpful tips you've learned about becoming a contract auditor.

1 Thank

I am a newbie here and I find it very interesting for a job as a contract auditor. I think it would be a growing job as more companies are gearing towards the importance of food safety. However, I am not sure about the exposure of the programs in South East Asia and would very much like to know who I can contact to understand more about auditing and also consulting as SQF or BRC standards. Hope somebody can enlighten me further. Thank you.

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