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What Temporary Engineering procedures and controls do you operate?

Started by , Mar 11 2013 02:37 PM
6 Replies
if you're not careful operators will build a new factory out of cardboard and tape.

What Temporary Engineering procedures and controls do you operate?

ADDED: made the attached record - will this do the job?


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Your exactly right Simon. I once seen maintenance employees duck tape a drive and gearbox in place 20' feet in the air to continue operations. We have come quite aways since then, but no doubt if left to thier own devices they might do it again. Now days Temporary Engineering/Repairs are closely monitered, approved and logged (almost identical to the document you attached) to make sure we dont create a food safety hazard and to make sure we have permanente fixtures in place in a resonable time period. We also specify what materials can and cannot be used for the temporary fixture.

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Here at Lucky Country, we do not allow Temporaries Repairs.

thats our policy. it is either fixed properly or we will not run. so far i t has been followed.
Thanks for your replies, I will run this document and see how it goes.
Perhaps with some guidance on the types of materials they can and cannot use.

I like the idea of specifying what is or isn't permitted as a band-aid fix. Have conducted the policies for temporary maintenance but not included that! Thanks for the idea.

Simon, also really like your form. Simple, clear, informative.

I like the idea of specifying what is or isn't permitted as a band-aid fix. Have conducted the policies for temporary maintenance but not included that! Thanks for the idea.

Simon, also really like your form. Simple, clear, informative.

Thanks for the feedback JAKMQA.


if you're not careful operators will build a new factory out of cardboard and tape.

What Temporary Engineering procedures and controls do you operate?

ADDED: made the attached record - will this do the job?


Hi Simon

I do a risk assessment that covers Food Safety & Health & Safety.
After the repair is made, i take photographs, which i attach to the risk assessment.
If applicable, i will take a sample of the material used and also attach that to the risk assessment.

I have complete buy in from my senior engineer, he knows i'm not doing it to be awkward, and if i'm not there, he will complete the documentation for me.

Seems to work for us, although we do have very little temporary repairs, its worth having the system in place.

Caz x

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