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Microbiology Lab Running Cost

Started by , Feb 08 2013 04:50 PM
4 Replies
Dear All,

Please share with me your knowledge and experience to define test running cost for micro lab.

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Can anyone help Mohammed with this query?


I had fun doing this once a few years ago. How you account for it depends on who's paying the bill, right? The way I did it, not being a finance guy, was to start simple and expand the information as requested from my superior. You can figure out the cost of the supplies, the lab technicians time, disposal fees, etc. It can get pretty broad too: cost of the lab space, utilities, equipment maintenance/calibration/vendor services, equipment cost/depreciation, administration overhead, cost of tech's benefits, cost of managing the tech, on and on...all broken down to a per test basis ;-)

Simple costs as applicable:

-time: prepare media, collect sample, record sample, prepare test, run test, read plate(s), record/report results, sample disposal
-general supplies including those needed for disposal and sterility assurance
-direct equipment maintenance costs

If the tech has to walk anywhere, remember to include that in the time as well. In large facilities, the transit time can be significant over the course of a year!


Here is something I put together to show our transfer from traditional filtration to modern filtration also switching suppliers - millipore to GVS filtration.



MICRO.3.18.pdf   136.04KB   24 downloads


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