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HACCP Experience Poll

Started by , Jan 15 2013 03:06 PM
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25 Replies
Please, answer to this poll so that we can make a quick statistic on this matter

Thank you!

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Please, answer to this poll so that we can make a quick statistic on this matter

Thank you!


Dear Jelena,

It is possible that posters are wondering as to the particular intended use of the poll ?

Rgds / Charles.C
2 Thanks
Dear Charles and Whom It May Concern,

I taught it would be interesting to view statistic on this relating to different profiles of registered users on IFSQN and the fact that HACCP is "invented" in the early 1960s but still not many people, particularly in Europe, have sufficient direct work experiences on this field.


Dear Jelena,

It is possible that posters are wondering as to the particular intended use of the poll ?

Rgds / Charles.C

39 respondents so far with 27 having more than 5 year's experience with HACCP.
A lot of experience...

You know what might be interesting is to see to what level of training those who deal with HACCP daily actually have had. I'm a great believer in experience being paramount, but its always a question that auditors ask. I would have thought that the fact that my employer has faith in me to ensure our HACCP system is robust would be enough..i wouldn't dream of asking an auditor what their training / experience was whilst they were examining my HACCP.

Any takers??

Caz x 

You know what might be interesting is to see to what level of training those who deal with HACCP daily actually have had. I'm a great believer in experience being paramount, but its always a question that auditors ask. I would have thought that the fact that my employer has faith in me to ensure our HACCP system is robust would be enough..i wouldn't dream of asking an auditor what their training / experience was whilst they were examining my HACCP.

Any takers??

Caz x

How about you Caz?

Ok then , I have a degree in Food Science & Technlogy where I covered HACCP (Manufacturing) at Level 4, then I've done the Farm to Fork that was on here a couple of years back in conjunction with Salford University, and I've done Level 7 Global Food Safety / Global Food Quality Management Systems as part of my masters in Food Technology in Industry. I'm also an registered trainer for HACCP with the CIEH.

Caz x 

Ok I have 14 years practical experience with food packaging HACCP systems.
Advanced Food Safety.
ADAS HACCP for Packaging short course.
Recent bespoke HACCP for Packaging short course.
BSC (Hons) Degree in Quality Management.

A doctorate in BS.

I don't like this because the numbers add up to old!

Practical work experience in HACCP systems with food processing or packaging facilites 22 years
HACCP Manager 5 years
QA Manager/SQF Practitioner 3 years
Licensed Pest Control Applicator 4 years
Ongoing Advanced Food Safety Training

and there are days I still feel like a newbie!

I'm not going to even say how many years i've got!!!

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I started out with meat and then worked in a multi-commodity facility with multiple food registrations through our government. I have worked with meat (raw and RTE), grains, dairy, fruit, vegetables, beverages, honey, syrup (sugar shacks), seeds cleaning. Great experience to see what happens in the various commodities, but hard to be an expert in one. I definitely get to see the difference in regulatory and customer requirements amongst the various commodities. I need to alter the way I complete HACCP plans based on which agency is reviewing the plan as they all like things written differently. It is definitely very interesting and challenging!
4 months involved in my company, including writing 10 programs with the help of our HACCP coordinator, Food Safety consultant, an a Quality Manager from one of our biggest clients. And just yesterday I completed a HACCP Training Course with the DFA of California and should be getting a certificate by mail soon.
11 years I have been dealing with HACCP.... I feel old now....

I was speaking to my students a few weeks ago discussing quality management and the reputation of NASA. During the lecture, I discussed the Challenger disaster and I asked "can anyone remember the NASA Challenger explosion in January 1986?"

Not one student put their hands up!

I followed the question with "was any of you born before 1986?"

to which again nobody put their hands up...

Age creeps up on us all...
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2 years and counting

8 years with HACCP 

Blimey >10 years.  Didn't realise I'd been going that long till I counted it up.  Getting old. :crybaby:

my first HACCP-study completed in 1993.


BSC food technology with quality management as specialisation.


In the time I did my study, HACCP was something to come up.

Dear Charles and Whom It May Concern,

I taught it would be interesting to view statistic on this relating to different profiles of registered users on IFSQN and the fact that HACCP is "invented" in the early 1960s but still not many people, particularly in Europe, have sufficient direct work experiences on this field.

:bye: Jelena

Dear Jelena,


Probably people with no direct work experience will be not on this forum.

Dear Jelena,


Probably people with no direct work experience will be not on this forum.

I must disagree with you because many of the students can also find useful things that will help them to prepare for future business engagement with HACCP ;)


but still not many people, particularly in Europe, have sufficient direct work experiences on this field.



I thought you ment by this sentense, people involved in quality, food safety or management who are working in the food sector right now.

IMO it is totally acceptable that students have no direct work experience on this. IMO that is why they are in school and learning this. And in school the gained knowledge will be accompanied by starting experience, while doing projects etc.

3 months with HACCP and GMP... :helpplease:

Dear Jelena,


Well, based on 10 months data collection (117 entries), I predict that approx 56% of those who replied have at least  5 years experience of HACCP. :smarty:


I presume you now hv to decide whether the value is an unbiased estimate for the total membership ? How do you do that ? Spin a coin ? :smile:


Rgds / Charles.C

I have five years experience with FDA HACCP planning in the seafood industry (14 years experience raw), but have only now taken on the challenge of RTE products with a crab processor.  And what a wonderful challenge it is!  :helpplease:

I think it's probably a fair number to make a wild assumption Charles.


The above statement has a 90% confidence level. :smile:




Dear Jelena,
Well, based on 10 months data collection (117 entries), I predict that approx 56% of those who replied have at least  5 years experience of HACCP.

Just a comment on "experience": I started out in the Alaskan seafood canning industry back in the '90's. I was fourtunate to be in an industry that universally adopted a food safety system in 1929 called the Salmon Control Plan. This was well before HACCP or even US legislation with Low Acid Canned Food and C.Bot. The Salmon Control Plan was universally adopted by salmon packers in order to protect the brand strength as only on case of c.bot could collapse the industry. Lead by this history, Alaskan salmon packers adopted HACCP before it was legally mandatory. On top of that, to my knowledge, it was also one of the first US industries to get really scrutinized under global audit standards (anybody remember EFSIS back in the late 90's) with BRC now being the strongest with US Seafood Canners.

So... having my Seafood HACCP for only 4 years, Low Acid Canned Food cert for 14 years, being in that industry for over 17... How may years experience with HACCP?

Given the history above, I would conclude over 17.
My 2 cents.
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