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After the BRC Audit.......

Started by , Dec 21 2012 06:27 PM
21 Replies
Congratulations! You passed your BRC audit. Now what?
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Go home and sleeeeeeep.......

Then come back the next day and start working on the corrective actions document as that has to be sent out quickly or it all becomes invalid and you start again with another audit.
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Go home and sleeeeeeep.......

Then come back the next day and start working on the corrective actions document as that has to be sent out quickly or it all becomes invalid and you start again with another audit.

I remember staring at an empty container thinking, "Looks like I'm going to need another bottle of Pepto"
The biggest thing I've dealt with is everyone thinking they can relax until next year. I've been through 5 now (4 slaughter at 2 different plants, 1 processing), and my main goal after is maintaining things at the same level.
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To me it should be a little time to reflect, relax, recharge and rejoice before thinking about Continual Improvement. We should start again at P of the PDCA cycle and plan what we need to do to improve the performance of our FSMS during the next cycle.

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I'm in the same boat as 'Ames'. Plant management (including my QA Managers!) drift off to other, more immediate projects, until a couple months before the next certification audit date. We're finished at all locations for about 5 months, so the QAMs and I will be meeting early January to lay out a game plan to prevent (or at least minimize) the last minute, seat of our pants, late night, last minute fiascos these audits are.
If the powers that be ever suggest going to unannounce audits, I may test gravity from the top of a tall clif...
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Dear All,

Biggest concern(s) ?

(1) Seeking justification that the additional effort / time necessitated to achieve certification to FSMS X has made any difference to the safety of the finished product compared to the pre-existing / certified HACCP plan. I guess many customers have the same problem hence their continuing audits.

I respect the concept of due diligence but have yet to see any validation of its continuously increasing scope other than customer's *** driven.

(2) Wondering if any one in Production / Engg. / Top Management will ever regard "it" as anything other than just another QA necessary evil.

(3) Closure of GFSI and Sons > immediate excess of QA-related personnel.

Happy New Year, people.

Rgds / Charles.C
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I am with Simon on this one - the preparation usually takes a lot out of you.

and PDCA is?? enlighten me!
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and PDCA is?? enlighten me!

I believe it's: plan–do–check–act.
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I believe it's: plan–do–check–act.

It is - Plan Do Check Act
I've been through 2 BRC audits and my main focus is making sure the system is sustainable. I guess there is no rest but having confidence in your employees and staff can give you some reassurance there will be no need to scramble when it comes to re-certification. On that note I have one more facility to work on pre-audit is next week.

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Congratulations! You passed your BRC audit. Now what?

Close all NC's at first and then...

I've been through 2 BRC audits and my main focus is making sure the system is sustainable. I guess there is no rest but having confidence in your employees and staff can give you some reassurance there will be no need to scramble when it comes to re-certification. On that note I have one more facility to work on pre-audit is next week.


I totally agree with Niru. We just completed our first re-certification audit two weeks ago and my focus now that we have completed the audit as well is to ensure that the system is sustainable, the momentum is maintained and commitment to the program is not lost. I have heard that the 3rd audit is the most difficult due to the items I have just mentioned. I certainly hope not.... at least in our organization!

Close all NC's at first and then...

Keep up with all of your monthly audits,etc., so next year you don't have the mad rush for the few months before the audit!

Keep up with all of your monthly audits,etc., so next year you don't have the mad rush for the few months before the audit!

LOL ...don't forget the management review minutes!

LOL ...don't forget the management review minutes!

Yes try and look at those at 3 months, 6 months, 9 months and not just a week before.


I think,

 Close all Observations, Follow PDCA for continual improvements.

After the audit - drink and sleep!!!  Then, after recovery, try to keep everyone on track.  Unfortunately, after every audit, the general feeling is great, we did it, now we can relax till next year.  It's that continual battle to try not to have the last minute fire drills before an audit that can wear you down.  Does anyone out there have suggestions as to how to keep everyone on track between audits (other than lots of internal audits?)

After the audit - drink and sleep!!!  Then, after recovery, try to keep everyone on track.  Unfortunately, after every audit, the general feeling is great, we did it, now we can relax till next year.  It's that continual battle to try not to have the last minute fire drills before an audit that can wear you down.  Does anyone out there have suggestions as to how to keep everyone on track between audits (other than lots of internal audits?)


Refresher training, a little and often. Drip, drip, drip.  Could be 15 minutes training in situ on shop floor or in conference room, living notice boards, involving operators in meetings that occurr regularly like quality meetings, visit to customer, supplier, anything.

Unfortunately, our BRCGS audit is unannounced, as are most of our other external audits.

So I aim to try and stay on top of things from literally the next day (make that week).

Our audit was March and the application for next year was requested to be completed in July.


I know the clauses and the interpretation guidelines but always worry what the auditors have been instructed to look for going forward that isn't really covered in either.


Mine would be maintaining the good grade. 

nothing !  :spoton: 


HOLIDAY !!!  :silly: 


p.s Staying on top of NC's to avoid future recurrence to avoid MAJOR NC :)

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