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Ozone disolved in water for washing fresh vegetables?

Started by , Jun 11 2012 07:16 PM
5 Replies

In the company in which i am currently working we are looking for a system to wash and disinfect our products (Jalapeno Peppers, Poblano Peppers, Serrano Peppers, Anaheim Peppers and green tomatoes).

As an option we have evaluated the use of ozone dissolved in water, to wash and disinfect the vegetables.

Has somebody´s company a system of ozone for disinfection of fresh vegetables? Or has someone audited a facility with a system like this?

Can you give me some references? Advantages/Disadvantages?

Thanks in advance for your time
Best regards

P.D. Excuse my grammar and my poor english vocabulary, and i will be really thankful if anyone corrected any of the words or phrases used by me
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Greeting Raul8,

I have a large amount of information I can send you to assist in your information request. What is your Direct email address? We have been working with produce companies designing application and systems for many years.


Greeting Raul8,

I have a large amount of information I can send you to assist in your information request. What is your Direct email address? We have been working with produce companies designing application and systems for many years.


Glen please do not solicit emails. If you have some knowledge and can provide answers to the questions then please post them for the benefit of the original poster and other members.

Hola Raul8,

I have been working with ozone in several food related applications. The most successful has been maintaining sanitary conditions on produce sorting belts. A wash system for your items should be a very effective way to reduce microbial contamination as well as assist in keeping your equipment clean. I have been happy with the equipment and service I've gotten from Pacific Ozone. They are located in California, and the rep I deal with is Eric Bergin. You can find contact info at www.pacificozone.com. The project that I worked on is under food processing: ozone sanitation in a tomato processing plant.


1 Thank
Hello Raul, you may find some useful information on Aqua-zone.biz. Thanks, Jose

Hello Raul, you may find some useful information on Aqua-zone.biz. Thanks, Jose

Seems to rely on wishful thinking -

Aquazone is a natural, "green" ozone system using no chemicals or electrolysis to sanitize your water supply.


Rgds / Charles.C

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