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HACCP Plan in a Bakery - What to do?

Started by , May 12 2012 10:11 AM
23 Replies
Hi there

I'm trying to help a friend of mine to write a HACCP plan for his family bakery. I found some good topics here but nothing related to bakery. Main products are breads and simple pastries.

Where I can find an example of HACCP for a bakery? Anyone has experience with that?

I found some info around but unfortunately those examples were with the BRC 5, I am looking for an example with BRC6.

Thank you for your help.

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Hi there

I'm trying to help a friend of mine to write a HACCP plan for his family bakery. I found some good topics here but nothing related to bakery. Main products are breads and simple pastries.

Where I can find an example of HACCP for a bakery? Anyone has experience with that?

I found some info around but unfortunately those examples were with the BRC 5, I am looking for an example with BRC6.

Thank you for your help.


Dear MrTrevor,

Did you try searching for baking, bakery etc ? There are at least 2 or 3 haccp plans for baked products here which i posted, eg bread.

I doubt that the basic haccp plan will change from brc5 to brc6.?

Rgds / Charles.C
Hey Charles

thank you for your reply...well as mentioned I searched for "bakery thread" but I found only one with the meat pie product and another one with cakes...didn't find any example of HACCP for the BRC6 for a small bakery...

where to start?? suggestions?


Hey Charles

thank you for your reply...well as mentioned I searched for "bakery thread" but I found only one with the meat pie product and another one with cakes...didn't find any example of HACCP for the BRC6 for a small bakery...

where to start?? suggestions?


Dear MrTrevor,

Suggestions as to "where to start" rather depend on yr current situation.

Do you hv the full BRC document already.? If not that would be my first suggestion. The haccp module is only 1 part of the BRC standard. And the haccp plan is also only a part of the haccp system.

No offence intended but are you in fact familiar with the implementation of haccp.? If not, that would be my second suggestion.

If the answers to above are yes, I guess you will know how to start the haccp set-up via the Codex listing as used in the BRC standard.

BTW, the haccp plans for bread i mentioned earlier are here -


I'm sure you appreciate that most of these posted plans are models, probably not aligned to any specific standard unless stated otherwise. You will also note the substantial disparity in the nature of the CCPs selected in the bread models above. Most people today (and auditors also) would probably classify one of the plans as a major, numerical CCP "overkill". The crunch is in the validation and as required by the specific standard (if any). The real haccp plan/system must correlate to yr own set-up / flow chart, etc.

I hope the above is a meaningful starter. Yr input may prompt further responses from other posters.

Rgds / Charles.C

PS I recall another recent post here (from Ireland) from a small-scale manufacturer (i think) asking about setting up a haccp system for the well-known EC regulatory reqs. This specific aspect was covered in some detail on the Irish food safety website which i guess you are already familiar with. BRC is of course a private standard, usually customer driven. it all depends on your objectives.
1 Like1 Thank
Charles thank you very much...

I'm a bit stressed in those days because in 2 days I'll start a new job being in charge for the quality documents in a bakery and it is my first time in such industry...I have experience with the drinks industry... in few days I'll be able to see and understand better what is involved in a bakery's haccp plan...that's the reason why I was trying to understand if there was something completely different from the other industries or not...

anyway I'll let you know in few days and I hope you guys will help me if I have more questions...

Dear MrTrevor,

Thks for yr response. Job transitions can be a testing time for sure.

There are several bakery professionals on this forum so pls do not hesitate to revert with any queries.

Good luck.

Rgds / Charles.C
I work in a bakery and the only real changes from BRC 5 to 6 were an increased emphasis on allergens. You could include this as part of your HACCP but I included it as a separate risk analysis. The only other change was the potential for process delay to be listed on the flow diagram (which can happen in bakery).

Do you have an existing HACCP plan? Might be better to go about this the other way. Post your existing process flow and conclusions here and ask for assistance?

I came to bakery from dairy / ready meals / confectionery so I have a bit of "jack of all trades" (but Master of none?) experience and I've only found it to be a benefit so far. Things to be wary of is if you have come from a different industry you may be used to different standards, doesn't mean you're wrong (or that bakery is wrong) but it's worth raising things anyway but doing so in a gentle way. "I'm used to xxx standard, what do you think?" etc.

Bakery is also one of the last areas where it really is to some extent an 'art'. Unless you're banging out millions of chorleywood bread process white sliced loaves a day, there is some judgement involved. Also some processes which seem crazy (sourdough for example) from a food safety / traceability point of view have to be accomodated and, once you work them through, they're not as bad as you first thought.

You'll get there. We got an 'A' on BRC!
1 Thank
Thank you very much GMO...

In few days I'll have the HACCP plan and I'll start to study and modify it as well..probably I'm only a bit nervous...

anyway when I'll have my HACCP plan I'll contact you for few questions...my company got an A on BRC for the last 4-5 years...only for this year they were downgraded to B...


Just moved into bakery myself. After previous roles looking after very tightly controlled processes it was a culture shock to move into an area of the industry where there is still an element of craft. the product range is also enormous! I'm sure you will get used to it, like any new job, just takes time. This is a great place to discuss issues.

Good luck

Thanks Cranberry

the first 3 days were fine...bit of stress but fine...I like the job and the company...from next week I'll start to update the Haccp plan...looks fine except for few things...

I have an important questions for you as well...they asked me to improve their NPD system and documents...problem is they don't have any system or document for the NPD and I need to start from scratch...

do you have any info or example of NPD document for a bakery environment? that could be really useful for me...


Thanks Cranberry

the first 3 days were fine...bit of stress but fine...I like the job and the company...from next week I'll start to update the Haccp plan...looks fine except for few things...

I have an important questions for you as well...they asked me to improve their NPD system and documents...problem is they don't have any system or document for the NPD and I need to start from scratch...

do you have any info or example of NPD document for a bakery environment? that could be really useful for me...


Dear MrTrevor,

Thks for the update. Good to hear the environment is "friendly".

Out of curiosity, is it possible to give an idea of yr CCPs for, say, bread to compare with other data here ? Sieving / Baking / Metal detector steps?

No idea about NPD unfortunately but to save (maybe) some other people's Googling, I guess NPD = New Product Development. (I always get it confused with NDT).

Rgds / Charles.C
Hi Charles

the company is fine and I'll have more update next coming days for you all...about our CCP we have just one right after the metal detector...so our products are packed in the packaging area, they pass the metal detector and they are collected in the delivery area... about sieving we don't do it...as far as I know no one does it anymore...

about the NPD I'm looking for examples of files/document to create a proper NPD database for our bakery...if anyone has an idea please post here...


To Trevor:

I have one document which I think is useful to you.

Industry Guide To GHP - Baking Guide.pdf   777.66KB   431 downloads
3 Thanks

To Trevor:

I have one document which I think is useful to you.

Industry Guide To GHP - Baking Guide.pdf   777.66KB   431 downloads

hi Yong

thank you very much for your file, it is a bit old but I will read carefully...

@ all: anyone with an example of a NPD sheet for bakery?? thanks

Hi Charles

the company is fine and I'll have more update next coming days for you all...about our CCP we have just one right after the metal detector...so our products are packed in the packaging area, they pass the metal detector and they are collected in the delivery area... about sieving we don't do it...as far as I know no one does it anymore...

We do, as does every supplier (direct or indirect) to M&S... Even then we've had issues with our (major) flour suppliers so I would.
1 Thank
Ooops double posted.
Guys the first week is gone and I'm quite happy...

I need to ask you all a question...we have few problem how to cut the amount of papers for the traceability...

do you use any software?

1)if not do you have an example of your normal traceability sheet?
2)if yes which software are you using? which one for a small bakery?

To Trevor:

We do not use any software but we ask our colleagues from IT department to write some in house programs tailor made to our very own needs and this really help us to cut down the usage of paper.
yeah that's what I mean...

thank you for your reply...

anyone has some suggestions?

Stevens Scales for recipes, weighing and traceability. Takes a bit of setting up and is fairly expensive but really useful.


(edit, added link).

Good luck

Stevens Scales for recipes, weighing and traceability. Takes a bit of setting up and is fairly expensive but really useful.


(edit, added link).

Good luck

Thanks Cranberry...this system looks nice but I have the feeling is more for big industry...we are a small factory with a limited budget...


@all any other suggestion to consider?? Thanks
Hi Guys,

I'm new to this site (from South Africa) and may have some info on HACCP to share with you, but don't know how to upload a file(s) yet.

Any help will be appreciated.


Hi Guys,

I'm new to this site (from South Africa) and may have some info on HACCP to share with you, but don't know how to upload a file(s) yet.

Any help will be appreciated.


Dear Vanjay,

Welcome to the forum

At the top right-hand corner of every page is a "help" button.

Click this button to get the "help" menu (right click if you want in a new tab).

then > "posting" in left-hand, vertical menu. Click to get sub-menu.
> "attachments" in left-hand, vertical sub-menu. This section explains the upload procedure options.

Pls revert if any problems.

Rgds / Charles.C
Hello to everyone

First of all i'd like to thank all the members of the forum for their useful information, you are doing a very good job

I also have a question about small bakery and confectionery business;

1) I am looking for a worked example of HACCP in small bakery or small confectionery business (not generic HACCP / GHP guidelines but specific example of HACCP plan). Does anyone know where i can find one ? Do you know if i have to purchase it ?

2) I know that for small sized businesses, there are hygiene codes developed by associations, e.g. bakers associations. Are those codes based on HACCP principles as defined by codex, or they are just hygiene rules applicable to bakery for instance ? In other words, are those different from the HACCP for bakeries ,mentioned in my first question ?
Further, does anyone know where i can find (or order) hygiene codes specifically for small bakeries/confectionery company ?

Thank you very much in advance !


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