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Example of Quality Objectives According to BRC Issue 6

Started by , May 10 2012 09:23 AM
11 Replies
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I don't think there is any sort of formal "list" but you need to come up with some measurable targets. Reduction in complaints is always a good one; depends on your business what others might be. Maybe product failure / waste reduction is another...?
2 Thanks
Will depend on your business.

Last audit ours were targets for complaints, QA product rejections, maintaining certifications at required grades and a specific one related to one of our retail customers.

Make the targets measurable and achievable and make sure they are discussed at management meetings and any corrective actions recorded. This was picked on at our last BRC (version 6).

All the best

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We started this in January as part of the new BRC. Sub-divided it into 5 sections, setting objectives, responsibility, timeframes, milestones (for longer term projects), progress (these meetings are quarterly, so we review there) and comments for.....
a) staff training,
b) environmental testing/hygiene,
c) customer complaints,
d) maintenance
e) general improvements / other.
Bit of a box ticking exercise so far, to be honest, but I think it is overall a good addition to the BRC Version 6 as it brings some accountability from other members of the management team into the quality manual. We went a bit mad for the first meeting and scored 1/5, so lowered our expections for the second (currently 3/5! Woo-hoo!). I think this is something BRC auditors will spend the first year of the standard reviewing and building up their knowledge of what can be achieved, so just because this was acceptable this year does not necessarily mean it will be acceptable in 12 months time. I reckon it could be tied in as a verification of the Quality Policy statement as time goes on, i.e. "are funds, training and personnel being supplied by the company up to achieve quality goals?" Not if your quality objectives are not being met.
As Cranberry said, it will depend on your situation. I narrowly lost out having "number of times the quality manager cries himself to sleep" as one after a particularly vicious knife fight with my boss, during which I also lost a slice off of my right testicle. The objective would have been for less than 30 times a quarter.
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(Yes, I've also seen that caveat listed under "Maximising Time for Payment to Suppliers)

Dear QAMalpha,

Not specifically BRC but here is a mini-review of links / contributions /thoughts in previous threads. Several other threads exist also (eg try searching "objective" ).


PS and one more - http://www.ifsqn.com...dpost__p__39694

Rgds / Charles.C

I reckon it could be tied in as a verification of the Quality Policy statement as time goes on, i.e. "are funds, training and personnel being supplied by the company up to achieve quality goals?" Not if your quality objectives are not being met.

This is exactly what will (and in my case already has) happened. Our auditor was also the lead trainer for BRC6 for their certification body and so already had a fair idea of how they wanted the new parts of the standard to link in with existing clauses. We spent a good long while on Section 1 of the standard discussing how our quality policy and objectives linked in with our management structure, management accountability, corrective action, training/funding and so on. They also picked apart our management meeting minutes, so be warned.

As Cranberry said, it will depend on your situation. I narrowly lost out having "number of times the quality manager cries himself to sleep" as one after a particularly vicious knife fight with my boss, during which I also lost a slice off of my right testicle. The objective would have been for less than 30 times a quarter.

I wanted to have holiday days cancelled and late night phone calls from QC staff included in ours but was strongly rebuffed. Managed to keep my extremities in tact though, so count myself lucky.

We chose small objectives:

Reduce complaints by 25% on August 2011 levels
Increase GMP audit score to above 80%
Reduce waste percentage by 20%

All to be achieved by Sept 2012.

Remember that whatever you chose as objectives you make them SMART, you discuss them often with staff and communicate the results well. Better IMO to have a few you really concentrate on than loads that get scant attention.
Thanks for the hints which help me to prep my coming up BRC audit.

Remember also that for the BRC, the objectives are to improve product safety, quality and legality. Don't just include business objectives such as increased sales or other commercial points. Remember as well, that setting objectives should help you improve as a company and they are not just to tick the BRC box.

On Time In Full delivery is often given as an objective but it is difficult to see the connection with safety, quality and legality.

Waste reduction may relate as it may indicate a process in or out of control, but you need to be able to explain the link in your situation.

Complaint reduction is probably the most commonly presented objective, but I am coming round to looking upon this as a negative and possibly imprecise objective, as complaints are often the cumulative result of a number of failures.

Try to have positive objectives which take what you are doing now and that you can do better. GMO's example of increased GMP audit score is a good one.

You can even break it down further. For instance, a better GMP score will normally be helped by better cleaning. You will have a cleaning schedule which defines what and how often cleaning is done, but in the real world these tasks are sometimes missed or postponed. Have an objective which states that the schedule will be met 98% of the time or whatever is an appropriate percentage for you.


As per BRC guidance:
Reduction in customer compliants
Reduction in internal & external audit failures
Fewer non-conforming products
Reduction in customer rejections

There are other suitable objectives that I can see that have been suggested in the forum. Note:In each case they should be measureable, documented, progress reviewed against targets and reported to Senior Management at least quarterly.



Can someone please send me very urgently  an example of objective template with the relevant objective.


Thanking you for your support always 

Can someone please send me very urgently  an example of objective template with the relevant objective.


Thanking you for your support always 


Hi Kelpack,


Here is what we use, not the prettiest document and full of waffle but it gets us through without issue





Attached Files


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