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Nestlè baby milk recall

Started by , Nov 27 2005 04:16 PM
16 Replies
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The Food Standards Agency has been informed that the chemical ITX (Isopropylthioxanthone), a component of printing inks used on some food packaging, may be present at very low levels in some liquid infant formula products.

Does anyone know if the chemical is a component of UV or solvent based inks?


Does anyone know if the chemical is a component of UV or solvent based inks?

It seems as it ITX was used in UV based inks.

It seems that RCA was performed formerly and the consequence was to ban ITX from some products, according to the results of migration tests.

Details in
ITX news
Thanks Franco; you are SDF's #1 researcher.


Thanks Franco; you are SDF's #1 researcher.


Well maybe not. Attached is some guidance on Isopropyl thioxanthone (ITX) from CEPE.

ITX_Statement_EuPIA_050927.pdf   38.04KB   93 downloads

Thanks Franco; you are SDF's #1 researcher.

well, at least #1 from Italy
According to this italian consumer's association, ITX is contaminating also other products. Unfortunately I have no English translation, but the figures are clear.ITX news from Italy Cream, standard milk and fruit juices have been tested and resulted positive to ITX.

well, at least #1 from Italy

You're always my #1 mate.

Some more:
Tetra Pak to phase out chemical from citrus juice packaging

Looks like Tetra Pak are taking it serious.

Nestlè claims wrong analytical results of the Italian consumer association. Unfortunately I only have the italian version of the news, it's just to keep you guys informed http://www.ansa.it/m...29_1982113.html

Unfortunately I have no English translation

This is the English version Italian consumer group finds more ink-tainted food
Been busy - therefore did not follow this issue closely.

Interesting flow of events ............ Goes to show when the Big Boys are under pressure, finger pointing is the order of the day and when alarm bells start to ring - all damage control and defense mechanisms are invoked.....

Next thing - they will start telling your grandmothers that ITX contamination from a nearby printing plant was leached to ground water subsequently given to the Cows

A wrong is a wrong.........IMO not owning up is simply nonsense. How can TT say its not on the banned list and yet a recall was imminent

Simon.....you were talking about ISO 26000 - Right - is that any use?

Next thing - they will start telling your grandmothers that ITX contamination from a nearby printing plant was leached to ground water subsequently given to the Cows

And what about the butterfly effect ?
What can I say Franco? You can almost see it all coming

Round 1 - goes to the consumers

Round 2 - damage control implemented

Round 3 - defense mechanisms raised but at the distraught of associates.

Round 4 - Coming soon! (Likely to witness in-fighting within comrades / and more media news)

ROund 5 - Brand New Market Leader takes over......Could it be "Parmalat"

Round 5 - Brand New Market Leader takes over......Could it be "Parmalat"

To follow on from this I know some of the large UK retailers (Marks and Spencer) and food producers Kraft Asia to name but two are hot on ITX at the moment asking suppliers to provide detailed position statements and migration data.


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