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Audit Tomorrow - Bricking it

Started by , Mar 05 2012 12:23 PM
18 Replies
My first year in a small company who has never achieved a grade A. Eeek!
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Best wishes GMO, IFSQN are rooting for you.

Good Luck, but I think with you on board now this well may be the first year of an A and if not it wont be for the want of trying

Good Luck, but I think with you on board now this well may be the first year of an A and if not it wont be for the want of trying

Thank you! In the past 18 months the site has gone from a fail to a 'B' so it would be a huge improvement to get to an 'A' this year. The thing is the site really deserves it. For all of my frustrations, when you do convince people things are needed, things change. It's just the random stuff which happens on an audit day I'm worried about and also as I'm only part time I worry I'm not as on top of it as I normally would be.

Urgh. I'll be glad when the next two days are over.

Thank you! In the past 18 months the site has gone from a fail to a 'B' so it would be a huge improvement to get to an 'A' this year. The thing is the site really deserves it. For all of my frustrations, when you do convince people things are needed, things change. It's just the random stuff which happens on an audit day I'm worried about and also as I'm only part time I worry I'm not as on top of it as I normally would be.

Urgh. I'll be glad when the next two days are over.

I think we're all happy when those 2 days are over! and the CA have been sent and signed off its always a relief (have just this minute sent our CA off!) you just know that there is going to be random audit day stuff that you can't prepare for, if its never happened before you can guarantee it will when BRC are on site
Just out of interest, what sort of products?

I did a similar thing here. We went from no quality manual and basic HACCP plans to Grade A in a couple of years. It was a challenge to get everyone to buy in to what was needed (at ALL levels...) but it sounds like you have crossed the change management bridge successfully so you should be fine tomorrow.

Good luck and I hope they send you a nice auditor!
Same auditor as the last two audits (the fail and the B). Hopefully he will arrive feeling like it's possible we could get an 'A'. I wasn't here for the last audit but I get the feeling he arrived not believing the site could have improved enough in the intervening time.
Good luck GMO!
Hope everything went OK GMO. I think part time B would be a big success. A's are very hard to get, especially if you choose a tough CB.
Well, last time, grade B, 18 minors on issue 5. This time, same auditor, grade A, 4 minors.

Yes. I am brilliant.

Well, last time, grade B, 18 minors on issue 5. This time, same auditor, grade A, 4 minors.

Yes. I am brilliant.

1 Thank
Nice work GMO. Celebrate with your team (even the engineers) and go treat yourself to something nice.

1 Thank
Good Job!
Goodluck GMO...i hope it all goes well for you.It must be nerve racking.

Well, last time, grade B, 18 minors on issue 5. This time, same auditor, grade A, 4 minors.

Yes. I am brilliant.

Yes, you ARE brilliant! Congratulations!!
1 Thank
Fantastic!!! Congrats GMO!

(now hit the bigwigs up for a raise!)

1 Thank

Well, last time, grade B, 18 minors on issue 5. This time, same auditor, grade A, 4 minors.

Yes. I am brilliant.

Well done, GMO. You have truly underscored the importance of "Continual Improvement and Total Commitment". Congratulations again.
1 Thank


1 Thank

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