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Question about service suppliers management (3.5.3)

Started by , Feb 22 2012 05:15 PM
9 Replies
Hi Guys
I have a question about BRC 3.5.3. there are shall be a documented procedures for the approval and monitoring of service supplier, and Contracts or formal agreement shall be available for service supplier.
Thus, we need to have monitoring procedures and formal agreement with them or formal agreement could cover these two requirements? What's kinds of monitoring procedure? the supplier questionnaire is OK?

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I've (hopefully) covered this off with services specific SAQ and with pest control and laundry I've also had some review meetings with them. I hope this is sufficient. Even getting some suppliers to complete an SAQ has been like getting blood out of a stone so more than that would be nigh on impossible.
Hello wfan,

For there need to be a documented procedure (can be the same for purchase and raw material supplier). in this document it need to be stated what you are requiring from your service suppliers.
e.g. pest controller need to have llicense, laundering need to have certificate, transport need to have BRC S&D certificate and complete statement, etc.
So, if your financial manager comes to tell you that a service supplier is to expensive and he/she will look for another one, what the minimum requirements of such a service supplier?
Also this procedure needs to describe how you monitore these results. Most common is with a supplier evaluation/review.

for you need to show contracts, stamements, agreements, etc. In these 'contracts' (does not need to be the official/legal one) the auditor will be searching for the requirements you stated in the procedure for and the risks/control measures you indicate in the HACCP-analyse or any other risk assessment required in BRC.

@GMO: If you have specific service SAQ, you have probably identified and documented the specific requirements for these service contractors as is required in
If the SAQ also are signed and fulfil the need of a 'statement', this will be comply with

if single order to a service supplier is agreed by this supplier, e.g. technical service in case of failure, this can be seen as a 'contract' as long as it is specific enough described.

Supplier monitoring will be done through periodic review of the perfomance of the suppliers in meeting specified requirements. This can be done by annual supplier audit using a questionnaire, analysing the quality defects of supplied materials, etc

Supplier approval is process of evaluating whether the supplier shall be in a position to meet your specified requirements. This is a pre-qualification excercise before you approve that the supplier is suitable to supply matrials / services.

A procedure has to be established on how you approve suppliers and how you monitor. Monitoring shall involve frequency and method. Approval will address the criteia of evaluaiton what factors do you consider to qualify.

...  these results. Most common is with a supplier evaluation/review


Although this is an old post, I am looking to satisfy in a prudent way.


What type of criteria might be appropriate in grading a supplier's performance?  Should the performance rating be limited to the specific experience of vendor/customer relationship, or be expanded to consider such things as pending and past litigation, media reports, and social media references (good and bad)?  In the final assessment I believe the evaluation will be heavily weighted on the service provider's direct relationship experience with my company.  thoughts?  experiences?  examples?

Although this is an old post, I am looking to satisfy in a prudent way.
What type of criteria might be appropriate in grading a supplier's performance?  Should the performance rating be limited to the specific experience of vendor/customer relationship, or be expanded to consider such things as pending and past litigation, media reports, and social media references (good and bad)?  In the final assessment I believe the evaluation will be heavily weighted on the service provider's direct relationship experience with my company.  thoughts?  experiences?  examples?

I have the same exact Question I asked on a previous feed for more information but have not received a replay as of yet: 
I received a minor for not correctly monitoring my suppliers. 
The document I created for my Correction is attached but I still feel it is weak.


Document #:


Prepared by:

Version #:

Approved By:



Company Name:

Materials or Services Supplied




Assessment Area


Corrective Action Required

Supplier Assurance Questionnaire


GFSI (or other) Certification

Supply History

Complaints Record

Audit Rating


Ratings System:

S       =       Satisfactory

CA    =       Corrective Action and Response Required


All Ratings Satisfactory - Approved to supply

1 or more Corrective Actions - Conditional Approval based on receipt of satisfactory responses and corrective action


Reassessment Date if applicable.....................


Authorized for Supply ..................................................Quality Manager


Date  ................................................

Hi Notsewb,


I assume yr focus is brc7, although yr other post was in SQF (a long- abandoned thread unfortunately)

it would be interesting to know why the auditor was dissatisfied with yr current  “monitoring” ?

the procedure you need may partially relate to the specific services involved ?


Assuming above brc clause, this post/thread may be of interest –



Difficult to comment much more without knowing yr overall evaluation procedure but the general idea looks promising in the context of above link.

1 Thank

Hi Notsewb,


I assume yr focus is brc7, although yr other post was in SQF (a long- abandoned thread unfortunately)

it would be interesting to know why the auditor was dissatisfied with yr current  “monitoring” ?

the procedure you need may partially relate to the specific services involved ?


Assuming above brc clause, this post/thread may be of interest –



Difficult to comment much more without knowing yr overall evaluation procedure but the general idea looks promising in the context of above link.

Thank you for your response Charles My focus is actually SQF and I did not have a specific monitoring procedure before the audit I miss took keeping my Supplier Approval Program up to date as my monitoring which was not sufficient to the auditor.  Hence I created the form I posted. The form is meant for the monitoring of suppliers giving services. I see that the link you have given me is more tailored to be more specific mine was too general. 

Thank you

I have the same exact Question I asked on a previous feed for more information but have not received a replay as of yet: 
I received a minor for not correctly monitoring my suppliers. 
The document I created for my Correction is attached but I still feel it is weak.


Document #:


Prepared by:

Version #:

Approved By:



Company Name:

Materials or Services Supplied




Assessment Area


Corrective Action Required

Supplier Assurance Questionnaire


GFSI (or other) Certification

Supply History

Complaints Record

Audit Rating


Ratings System:

S       =       Satisfactory

CA    =       Corrective Action and Response Required


All Ratings Satisfactory - Approved to supply

1 or more Corrective Actions - Conditional Approval based on receipt of satisfactory responses and corrective action


Reassessment Date if applicable.....................


Authorized for Supply ..................................................Quality Manager


Date  ................................................


:sorcerer:   :uhm:  :sorcerer: 


Looks familiar!:


QMR 005 Supplier Evaluation Form.png   178.41KB   1 downloads


Kind regards,





Yea the company I used to work for purchased the that template program and I tried to adapt it as much as possible to SQF. 

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