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European Meat EC Plant Numbers

Started by , Jan 10 2012 07:32 PM
9 Replies
A customer has requested that we have the corresponding plant name and address for each meat ec number which arrives on site.

We buy from agents so a vast range of ec numbers many from different countries are used

Is there anywhere apart from a google search which could help me trace them

Granted i could get the agents to supply the info but sometimes its quicker to do things yourself

Many thanks
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Hi tdubz,

You can be pretty sure that a central database exists for the powers that be. However it appears that each country is still managing and publising their EC codes in silo’s with no central search facility.

Nick Saltmarsh keeps an excellent list of all national databases over at The Tracing Paper. No doubt you are using this resource presently.

Unfortunately, other than ask your agents to supply this information you will have to search each national list separately.


Yeah been using the tracing paper one. But when it takes me to the austrian one for example all the site is in austrian so finding the list is an utter stab in the dark
Hi tdubz,
the list of Approved establishments is published by each Member State of the EU.
A central access to the list is provided by the DG Health and Consumers of the UE at the following page:

Hi tdubz,
the list of Approved establishments is published by each Member State of the EU.
A central access to the list is provided by the DG Health and Consumers of the UE at the following page:

Hi Maurocon,

Welcome to the IFSQN and thanks for your input.

Unless I am missing something this list still only provides access to each member states database which have to be searched independently. Is there a single search box anywhere that allows you to enter an EC code and it will search across all member states databases simultaneously?


P.S. I have fixed the broken link above: http://ec.europa.eu/...nts/list_en.htm
AFIAK there isn't a cumulative database of EC codes, but when you know the member state it's not difficult to find the plant name, given the EC number.

thank you for fixing the link


A customer has requested that we have the corresponding plant name and address for each meat ec number which arrives on site.

We buy from agents so a vast range of ec numbers many from different countries are used

Is there anywhere apart from a google search which could help me trace them

Granted i could get the agents to supply the info but sometimes its quicker to do things yourself

Many thanks

Check the attached link

It has a list of EU countries and establishments.

The EU list is a good starting point, but it takes a lot of time to drill down to the right sub list.
A search engine would nice though :)

Anyone ?
Attached is a UK summary for reference (derived from information on FSA website).

As with other posts, struggled to find the same data for other countries.


Attached Files

Maybe this link can help you too My link

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