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Major Forums Upgrade Planned: Feedback Sought From Members

Started by , Jan 08 2012 10:02 AM
4 Replies
We are planning a major upgrade to the latest versions of the forums software an all of the associated modules. At the same time we will be updating the design.

As such we would like input from members on the features you do and don't use, what you like and don't like, things that annoy you and suggestions for improvement.

We will incorporate as much as we can into the changeover.

Thanks in advance.

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Dear Simon,

Thanks for your great work to this forum.
In general I like it all.

I do use frequently: the forum (ofcourse), the button [view new content], the button [post of the last 24 hrs, week, 2 weeks, etc], the member profiles, the messenger, email.
I do not use: blogs, gallery, chat.
I like that there is an automatic sign in.
I like that I can see to which threads I have contributed.
I am finding troubles with searching members: If I do a search on the member part and open a profile, I get in 70% of the cases an error when trying to go back.
Also having troubles with search in forum. Somehow it is not possible to search only on date.
I would love to get a tool to mark or flag posts so, I will be able to find them easily. Or put them as a favourite or something.
Spell check is not working, but I probably need to install something, which is all blocked on my laptop (company owned)

I hope this information is of any use and other members will follow to react on your feedback request.
1 Thank

Dear Simon,

Thanks for your great work to this forum.
In general I like it all.

Thank you for taking the time to reply Madam A. D-tor.

I do use frequently: the forum (ofcourse), the button [view new content], the button [post of the last 24 hrs, week, 2 weeks, etc], the member profiles, the messenger, email.

The above is similar to my main uses.

I do not use: blogs, gallery, chat.

Again my experience is that they are not used too much. These three are optional extras that I pay a licence fee for. I will consider lapsing one or all of them, however it may also be that I do not promote them well enough on the forum. It is possible to have the latest image posted or latest blog post highlighted on the board index.

I like that there is an automatic sign in.
I like that I can see to which threads I have contributed.

Good and there are further improvements on “my content” in the new version which I am sure you will like and find useful.

I am finding troubles with searching members: If I do a search on the member part and open a profile, I get in 70% of the cases an error when trying to go back. Also having troubles with search in forum. Somehow it is not possible to search only on date.

Yes search is very unreliable in this version and again we can expect big improvements in the search function.

I would love to get a tool to mark or flag posts so, I will be able to find them easily. Or put them as a favourite or something.

There is a button “watch topic” at the top right of each topic and then choose how you want to be notified of posts. And you can manage your “watched topics” in “my settings” – maybe this is not what you want. I agree it’s not very user friendly and again this is vastly improved in the new version.

Spell check is not working, but I probably need to install something, which is all blocked on my laptop (company owned)

Yes that will only work if you install the spell checker.

I hope this information is of any use and other members will follow to react on your feedback request.

It is very useful…thank you so much.

Dear Simon,

It would be useful IMO if one could search for threads containing uploaded documents having specific words. Unfortunately I fear this is not simple. I realise this has similarity to a tag concept but i suspect most people do not input latter data too readily. Must admit i didn't know tags in any form existed here until this thread.

Rgds / Charles.C

Dear Simon,

It would be useful IMO if one could search for threads containing uploaded documents having specific words. Unfortunately I fear this is not simple. I realise this has similarity to a tag concept but i suspect most people do not input latter data too readily. Must admit i didn't know tags in any form existed here until this thread.

Rgds / Charles.C

Yes attachment searching is poor on the standard forum. What we need is a fully searchable library with all files categorised and well named. We do have that in the files library, but it is a big job to get it fully populated.

1 Thank

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