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Recall due to incorrect use of sanitiser

Started by , Oct 20 2011 03:01 AM
2 Replies
Out of curiosity, does anyone know of an instance where a sanitation chemical company has recalled a product due to a potential food safety hazard if used in processing areas or on food contact surfaces?
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Never heard of it myself RMAV - have you?

Never heard of it myself RMAV - have you?

No, I have not heard of it. I posed the question in response to the "Chemical Traceability" thread because I had never heard of it and we're spending time on figuring out ways to trace it should the need arise. I personally lean toward the position that we have "bigger fish to fry," but I work on chemical traceability anyway.

The way you titled this thread is not the same as my question, but it reminds me of another question. The term, "sanitizer/sanitiser," is defined differently in the US as it is in other parts of the world. Sanitizer to us in the states is equivalent to "disinfectant" in the EU. It gets confusing. Even the PAS 220 gets confused!

Anyway, the question this made me think of is the use of sanitizer/disinfectant. The purpose of such is to reduce pathogens to an acceptable level. What if a high-risk facility fails to use it in the proper concentration to the point that pathogen reduction cannot be assured? I know what the answer is in practice, and that it is hardly ever a CCP. But to me this is a concern, especially in a RTE facility where l.mono is an "when" more than an "if."

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