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Product Packaging 5.4.3 - Protecting Part Used Packaging

Started by , Apr 26 2011 08:04 AM
3 Replies
Dear IFSQN members,

I don`t understand one point in BRC 5 standart about packaging - 5.4.3. "Any part-used packaging materials suitble for use shall be effectively protected before being returned to an appropriate storage area." - so, if we open the carton box, where is lots of small packaging boxes, and during the first part of the day we will use only half of this box, for returning this box to warehouse we need to protect it - but HOW?
With some desinfection? Plactic bag? Or something else?

Thank you!

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You could just make sure the box that these cartons are in is closed and taped shut. When we have part used materials we tape them shut, initial them, and write the date on the box or bag.
Presumably if these are primary packaging they come in an inner liner? If so, fold down or preferably tie the inner liner and reseal and date the box.

The idea is that part used primary packaging is often found in audits open which is at risk of collecting dust and debris and, hence micro and physical contamination.
Agree with the comments.

Take an example of some yogurt tops.

They are usually delivered in cardboard sleeves (say 1,000 in each sleeve) and then so many sleeves in an outer (say 36 sleeves in an outer).

When you receive a delivery of 36,000 from your supplier the outer box will be sealed and every sleeve inside will be sealed.

Let's say your stores issue 36,000 to the factory for a production run, but only 31,500 are used.

What do you do with the 5,500?
How do you ensure they are kept clean and safe until the next production run, which could be a month or two off?

Seal the part used sleeve, put all sleeves back in the outer box and seal it. As others have said you can sign and date the sleeve/outer also.


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