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Pest Control Trend Analysis Report

Started by , Apr 14 2011 08:42 AM
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25 Replies

i need some help in the writing of pest control trend analysis, do anyone got this report format?

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I'm going to do it in Excel. First, you just put number of each trap. Second, months of the year. Put D for dead mouse, or M - for missing bait. If you have 3 M or D in the row, then it's a trend. In that case you should do corrective actions.
Hope this will help you
Thank for your responce, mikysya.

Actually i have to prepare a report regarding the pest control (Pest Control Trend Analysis) to my customer who did audit last week, they raised a NC because i cant give them the pest control trend analysis. I have read all topic reagarding this and found that i can get the report from my pest controller. But the problem is when i ask my pest controller, he say that he didnt provide this kind of report to their customer (May be is a small company).

Your idea was great and may be i also will write some elaboration regarding the trend. But do i need write introduction? graph?or other?

By the way, thank you very much..........

I'm going to do it in Excel. First, you just put number of each trap. Second, months of the year. Put D for dead mouse, or M - for missing bait. If you have 3 M or D in the row, then it's a trend. In that case you should do corrective actions.
Hope this will help you

You are welcome:)
As I understand, you don't do the pest control in you company, the outside company is checking traps for you? In this case, you should develop check sheet for them and they should check any activity in particular trap and sign on this sheet. After that you can do create a trend activity report
1 Thank
The pest controller should be able to provide you with the number of baits replaced, and in how many bait stations, otherwise how do you know as the customer that you are getting the service you pay for.(effective pest control)
Also if you do not have this information how can you prove to your auditor that your pest control program is actually working and how do you determine when to increase the service based on the pressure on the bait stations.
If you pest controller wont give you this information try a different pest controll contractor.
1 Like1 Thank
Dear Clarencestj,

I have attached two trend analysis-flying insects(insectocutor) and rodents(bait stations) which might help you understand the trend analysis.You can add the number of bait stations and insectocutors according to the number you have in your organisation.Below the graphs you can then include the corrective action that was done incase of any infestation.I have you can comfortably now close the NC.

Kamwenji Njuma

Attached Files

1 Like25 Thanks
Dear Clarencestj

It is important that you understand exactly what you got the NC for. Was it the lack of data tracking. the lack of analysis, or both?

I would distringuish between simply providing data tracking via spreadsheets (which is important and is the basis of Trend Analysis), and providing some proper anaylsis of this, including numbers against targets (especially important for EFK analysis), and commentary explaining why things are happening.

I am aware of companies in the UK receiving NCs for all of the above.

If you would like to pm me, I can send you some of the documents we provide to our clients. I regret I cannot post them here as they are private materials.
1 Thank

You are welcome:)
As I understand, you don't do the pest control in you company, the outside company is checking traps for you? In this case, you should develop check sheet for them and they should check any activity in particular trap and sign on this sheet. After that you can do create a trend activity report

You are right, mikysya. Other company is helping me for the pest control, but i have to check all the traps by myself ^^. i also prepare check sheet for my data collection, but data analysis is the headache part.

If you pest controller wont give you this information try a different pest controll contractor.

Hahaha...... i already looking for other more professional pest controll but this cant solve my problem and i still got 2 more weeks before the due date ;(

Kamwenji Njuma
Thank you very much for the document attachment, is a good reference for me.

i also attach a document that got some related to this topic which i found few days ago for other reference

Attached Files

1 Like7 Thanks

i also attach a document that got some related to this topic which i found few days ago for other reference

Nice paper from Acheta. I concurr with their conclusions, and certainly have found that DD traps are excellent for detecting small numbers of Ephestia and Plodia. To satisfy auditors, as standard, we date the back of each lure pad so that this can be shown to have been changed. Effectiveness does drop off in dusty, moist or hot environments, and you may have to change the pads more frequently than a standard moth funnel, but they have the huge advantage of being highly visible and very easily checked by client's staff - so a minor problem can be picked up before it becomes a major problem.

Dear Clarencestj,

I have attached two trend analysis-flying insects(insectocutor) and rodents(bait stations) which might help you understand the trend analysis.You can add the number of bait stations and insectocutors according to the number you have in your organisation.Below the graphs you can then include the corrective action that was done incase of any infestation.I have you can comfortably now close the NC.

Kamwenji Njuma

i have followed your report, but i cant understand what the meaning of "P" and "R" on your data?? (based on rodent analysis) 

I guess R = Rat but, not sure if P = Pass.


Would that be logical?

good day,


can i ask for help. i`m currently working as a pest control technician and i want to improve my reporting. can anyone help me with this....both in rodents and insects....

thanks in advance....

You are welcome:)
As I understand, you don't do the pest control in you company, the outside company is checking traps for you? In this case, you should develop check sheet for them and they should check any activity in particular trap and sign on this sheet. After that you can do create a trend activity report

Dear Mikysya,


According to your reply, I want to ask you some I don't know exactly. In our company, Pest controller didn't give us any pest control documents (i.e. Trend Analysis, Corrective Action). If I want to do myself for secure, please guide me how to do for Trend Analysis report and corrective action. And I made the pest control schedule for our site. Is it the same with pest control plan?






Dear Mikysya,


According to your reply, I want to ask you some I don't know exactly. In our company, Pest controller didn't give us any pest control documents (i.e. Trend Analysis, Corrective Action). If I want to do myself for secure, please guide me how to do for Trend Analysis report and corrective action. And I made the pest control schedule for our site. Is it the same with pest control plan?







Hi Su,


These days many Pest Controllers will provide documents/analyses such as discussed above (maybe for a surcharge) but perhaps not everywhere. Insect analyses particularly require some scientific ability.


The nice attachments in Posts 6/8 illustrate the skills necessary for self-presentation of data in Chart form for Trending. Basically some experience with Excel.

As per post 10, the chart notation/usage for 2nd excel in post6 is rather "cryptic". I have offered a few deductions (=guesses) in the Word file following.-

Comments on format 2nd excel,Post 6 .doc   30KB   415 downloads

(any other suggestions welcome of course)


For insects posts 6/8 look fairly self-explanative. Some further examples in files attached at end of this post.

For trending rodents I suggest in addition to Post6 above, have a look at the attachments here - 

Posts 2,6 in this thread –


and Post 2 in this thread –



From a brief scan of the Net/Forum/Archives, i have attached a few more files below which may be helpful to you. A few of these have been previously posted here by other members also (Thks!) -


pc1 - pest control SOP.pdf   243.64KB   843 downloads

pc2 - Pest Management Standards for Food Processing Facilities,2016.pdf   1.59MB   712 downloads

pc3 - Salsa, Pest Monitoring,2015.pdf   170.6KB   591 downloads

pc4 - Fly Unit trend analysis.pdf   64.07KB   784 downloads

pc5 - BRC6 ,Acheta,guide to pest control compliance.pdf   845.74KB   575 downloads

pc6 - Rentokil Pest control.pdf   3.26MB   837 downloads

pc7 - Pest Management in the Food Industry,2014.pdf   1.44MB   619 downloads

pc8 - Filth Fly Control.pdf   5.71MB   620 downloads

pc9 - Insect pest management,2012.pdf   1.35MB   629 downloads

pc10 - CIEH,Pest control procedures in the food industry,2015.pdf   1.94MB   598 downloads


pc11- pest sighting log.pdf   17.81KB   712 downloads

(Thks Marshall)

2 Likes15 Thanks



Two more files -


pc12 - Pest Control SOP(2).doc   59KB   530 downloads

pc13 - AIB Pest Control FAQ compilation2013.pdf   173.13KB   514 downloads



pc3, pc6 respectively mention some explicit corrective actions.

pc2 has some FSMA comments

pc6 suggests some Trend “Action” criteria (Pg28/33)


There is a forum discussion on Trend “Limits” here –


4 Thanks

Hi everyone, How do you guys do trend analysis report for ant and cockroach?

Hi everyone, How do you guys do trend analysis report for ant and cockroach?


hi nabilah,


Can you clarify what you mean by "do" ?


Some formats/discussion for trend analyses for beetles are on Pg 10 et seq of file pc9 in Post14.


Here is a simple example for a fly killing trap -


Trend Analysis of Fly-Killing Device.pdf   61.13KB   655 downloads


Also see -



1 Like4 Thanks


hi nabilah,


Can you clarify what you mean by "do" ?


Some formats/discussion for trend analyses for beetles are on Pg 10 et seq of file pc9 in Post14.


Here is a simple example for a fly killing trap -


Trend Analysis of Fly-Killing Device.pdf


Also see -




Hi charles, 


Thanks for that example,

I want to know how u guys measure or calculate the ant or cockroach since rodent we can measure by bait that has been eaten to write in trend analysis report.


Thank you! 

Hi charles, 


Thanks for that example,

I want to know how u guys measure or calculate the ant or cockroach since rodent we can measure by bait that has been eaten to write in trend analysis report.


Thank you! 



Hello nabilah,


You may use insect monitoring devices, or sticky boards installed in your premise. Then trend number of ants/cockroach caught on traps.

1 Thank

Hello nabilah,


You may use insect monitoring devices, or sticky boards installed in your premise. Then trend number of ants/cockroach caught on traps.

Hi amclico,


Thanks for sharing. It help me a lot!

Hi charles, 


Thanks for that example,

I want to know how u guys measure or calculate the ant or cockroach since rodent we can measure by bait that has been eaten to write in trend analysis report.


Thank you! 


Hi nabilah,


As an extension of Post 19 can see -


ac1 - Ecolab - Ant control.pdf   2.12MB   337 downloads

ac2 - Cockroach control.pdf   284.19KB   335 downloads

ac3 - Ant Bait Station directions for use.pdf   49.03KB   280 downloads


Also see this thread -



1 Like4 Thanks


Hi Charles,

Thanks for that info! 

i want to control and prevent pest in my industry what are the step and full procedure plz guide me i m unknown to this 

i want to control and prevent pest in my industry what are the step and full procedure plz guide me i m unknown to this 


Perhaps can study the attachments in Post 14. I would suggest pc6/7 for starters.



We are drafting the pest control trend.


1. I would like to ask if is it necessary to trend the 'Touched Bait' or the replacement of bait? Which is much more important?


2. Does the bait needs to be replaced if it is being touched?




Hopefully someone could answer me. Thank you.






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