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Can An FSSC 22000 Audit Be Scored?

Started by , Mar 25 2011 01:20 PM
5 Replies
I was just in contact with a potential customer that rejected our FSSC certification because it was not "scored". As far as I know there is no method for scoring an FSSC audit other than Pass/Fail.

The person I spoke with said the preference was BRC or SQF because they over a scoring method. But, they also mentioned witnessing a FSSC audit that was scored. My registrar says there is no scoring method and it cannot be done.

GFSI does not benchmark the scoring methods as part of their requirements and ISO based systems have never scored audits.

Has any one else run into this issue of customers wanting GFSI scored audits?
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Number of nonconformities?

Did you get anywhere with this TSmith?

Number of nonconformities?

Did you get anywhere with this TSmith?

Every indication is that FSSC will not allow a scoring system as part of the standard but the customer insists that they have a registrar that will do it for them. My registrar spoke with FSSC and followed up with the registrar in question and they said they have no intention of scoring an FSSC audit.

The best we can figure is they are doing some sort of GMP audit in conjuction with the FSSC and using it for scoring.
Its a risk based and not an inspectorate assessment where points are given base on the degree of conformity against pre-set criteria. I believe your potential customer has got it wrong or misguided.

Its a risk based and not an inspectorate assessment where points are given base on the degree of conformity against pre-set criteria. I believe your potential customer has got it wrong or misguided.

Which leads to the question, "Have you ever tried to tell your customer they are wrong?"

The audit manager from the customer actually joined us when we had a 3rd party GMP audit done two weeks ago and still tried to convince me that he was getting a scored FSSC audit.

The only good news that comes out of it is that we have one more audit certificate to add to our list. I now know we can pass ISO 22000, FSSC 22000, BRC, AIB and Silliker audits.

The only good news that comes out of it is that we have one more audit certificate to add to our list. I now know we can pass ISO 22000, FSSC 22000, BRC, AIB and Silliker audits.

Your customer should be pleased with your certification to AIB and/or Silliker as they are based on score matrix unless they are FSSC22000 requirement specific. I guess the best solution to this dilemma is to write directly to the Certification Manager of http://www.fssc22000.com/en/ for an official clarity.

If your customer is already FSSC certified based on a point-scoring system, their CB / Auditor had probably got it all wrong.

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