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Prevalence And Distribution Of Salmonella In Organic And Conventional

Started by , Mar 24 2011 01:20 AM
2 Replies
Note this article Study Finds Lower Prevalence of Salmonella in Organic Poultry which is talking about this study, Prevalence and Distribution of Salmonella in Organic and Conventional Broiler Poultry Farms

Fecal results correlate with the feed results and nothing to do with the rearing techniques? Is there any other research showing similar results?
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Dear Mark Shakespeare,

Famous name Welcome to the forum !

Interesting post. Unfortunately I don’t hv $50 to obtain the linked full study.

Poultry remains an important vehicle of Salmonella transmission to humans, occurring mainly via contaminated meat.

Very profound.

The authors noted that “in consumers’ minds, organic foods appear to be a safer alternative to conventional poultry.”

Including Sweden ? Approx zero pct Salmonella I believe although I don’t know the relative process split.

Multidrug resistance was more frequent in Salmonella isolates from conventional broiler farms (55.2%) compared with organic farms (41.6%)

Significant ??

Fecal Salmonella. An interesting concept. So which ones are non-fecal (mouth-to-mouth) ? I’m curious what the anti-microbial Salmonella was also ?

Rgds / Charles.C
I do not have the $ for the full study as well. I would have liked to known the differences in the feed used.

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