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Internal Audit Quality Objective & Target

Started by , Mar 15 2011 03:01 PM
8 Replies
Hi, i would like to know to revamp the Internal Audit Quality Objective and target as below:

Objective: To audit according to ISO9001:2008; ISO22000 and Code HACCP System
Target: 100% including the requirements of 3 standard

We are conducting the internal audit and found that it is very hard for us to meet the above objective and target in each interval audit due to every time also must cover all the clauses or sections. We intends to revamp it as to conduct the internal audit based on the weight of the audit findings instead of to cover all the standard at each interval. Question here is how to revamp the above internal audit objective and target? Kindly advise.

Thanks & Best Regards,
Jeremy Yap
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Very tricky!

IMO, there are two options to revamp this objective/target:

1- Change the statement as follows:

Objective: To audit according to ISO9001:2008; ISO22000 and Code HACCP System
Target: Covering at least 2 critical and 2 non-critical areas per quarter with all applicable requirements of the 3 standards.

2- Change the statement as follows:

Objective: To audit according to ISO9001:2008; ISO22000 and Code HACCP System
Target: Covering at least 4 clauses of requirements per standard per quarter.

You may change the values as specified above according to your current actual achievements or possibilities but remember usually all standards have specified that all areas and all requirements should be audited at least once per year. It means you should estimate how many sections of standard and how many areas of your company you have to cover at least once per year. Not to mentions, always focus on critical areas and critical requirements.


Hi, i would like to know to revamp the Internal Audit Quality Objective and target as below:

Objective: To audit according to ISO9001:2008; ISO22000 and Code HACCP System
Target: 100% including the requirements of 3 standard

We are conducting the internal audit and found that it is very hard for us to meet the above objective and target in each interval audit due to every time also must cover all the clauses or sections. We intends to revamp it as to conduct the internal audit based on the weight of the audit findings instead of to cover all the standard at each interval. Question here is how to revamp the above internal audit objective and target? Kindly advise.

Thanks & Best Regards,
Jeremy Yap

You should cover all the requirements at least annually then schedule other audits based on risk and audit findings:

Objective: To audit according to ISO9001:2008; ISO22000 and Code HACCP System
Target: 100% including Audit the requirements of all 3 standards over an annual schedule



You can find this info by using search box in the top of website with some keywords related before posting questions.


I found that a member asked same question in this forum some months ago.

Pls use search box to find this questions with comments

If you want to get more materials that related to this topic, you can visit: ISO 9001 auditor

Best regards.

Hi, i would like to know to revamp the Internal Audit Quality Objective and target as below:

Objective: To audit according to ISO9001:2008; ISO22000 and Code HACCP System
Target: 100% including the requirements of 3 standard

We are conducting the internal audit and found that it is very hard for us to meet the above objective and target in each interval audit due to every time also must cover all the clauses or sections. We intends to revamp it as to conduct the internal audit based on the weight of the audit findings instead of to cover all the standard at each interval. Question here is how to revamp the above internal audit objective and target? Kindly advise.

Thanks & Best Regards,
Jeremy Yap

How about reduce NC’s by 50%? Or perhaps reduce the quantity of NC’s that repeat themselves from one audit to the next? (I’m not sure if the later would be possible in food safety.)

Hi, i would like to know to revamp the Internal Audit Quality Objective and target as below:

Objective: To audit according to ISO9001:2008; ISO22000 and Code HACCP System
Target: 100% including the requirements of 3 standard

We are conducting the internal audit and found that it is very hard for us to meet the above objective and target in each interval audit due to every time also must cover all the clauses or sections. We intends to revamp it as to conduct the internal audit based on the weight of the audit findings instead of to cover all the standard at each interval. Question here is how to revamp the above internal audit objective and target? Kindly advise.

Thanks & Best Regards,
Jeremy Yap

Dear all,

In my personal opinion, purpose of internal audit is to detect the defects of systems(including establishment stage and implementation stage). Than the corrective actions after internal audits are implemented with the purpose of improving the defects detected during internal audit.

So in my personal opinion, we should set at least one objective as "detect at least three NCs for each department". To ensure the internal audit can be conducted in an efficient way. However, this objective should not be in connection with the punishment to earns of the internal auditors, but we could make a bonus mechanism for internal auditors who achieve the aforementioned objective.

Only my personal opinion, for your reference.

Best regards,


Dear all,

In my personal opinion, purpose of internal audit is to detect the defects of systems(including establishment stage and implementation stage). Than the corrective actions after internal audits are implemented with the purpose of improving the defects detected during internal audit.

So in my personal opinion, we should set at least one objective as "detect at least three NCs for each department". To ensure the internal audit can be conducted in an efficient way. However, this objective should not be in connection with the punishment to earns of the internal auditors, but we could make a bonus mechanism for internal auditors who achieve the aforementioned objective.

Only my personal opinion, for your reference.

Best regards,


The purpose of external and internal audits is NOT to detect defects but to verify CONFORMANCE with the auditable standard(s) or specified requirements. The former practice is tagged as "Gap Analysis" which is entirely different as compared to Audit activities.


Dear all,

In my personal opinion, purpose of internal audit is to detect the defects of systems(including establishment stage and implementation stage). Than the corrective actions after internal audits are implemented with the purpose of improving the defects detected during internal audit.

So in my personal opinion, we should set at least one objective as "detect at least three NCs for each department". To ensure the internal audit can be conducted in an efficient way. However, this objective should not be in connection with the punishment to earns of the internal auditors, but we could make a bonus mechanism for internal auditors who achieve the aforementioned objective.

Only my personal opinion, for your reference.

Best regards,


They are in part meant to detect problems early. Identified nonconformities typically should trigger an investigation, but not just to detect non-conformities. The objective of an audit is to collect objective evidence to permit an informed judgment about the status of the system or product being audited. look at this way.. Certification Body issue "Certificate of Conformity", therefore they are looking for conformities. It's just that when they look for conformities, oftentimes, they saw non-conformities.

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