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Business Continuity Plan

Started by , Mar 02 2011 06:48 PM
6 Replies
Hi all,
Who has a Business Continuing Plan for SQF 2000?
Have a great day!
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I can maybe help you out with questions you may have if you explain a little bit about what your question is about the plan?

I meant a procedure and it's for SQF 2000 implementation

I can maybe help you out with questions you may have if you explain a little bit about what your question is about the plan?

In SQF BCP means,

Your management have to decide what the risk are associated with the business in terms of natural disaster or equipment failure .

first find our what risk are there which can affect the business continuity
2)Disconnection of portable water
3)Change in elecricity voltage
4)breakdown of the refrigeration unit

than what preventive procedures /and or alternatives ,if they will happen to continue with the production of the safe and quality food.

Who will be part of BCP team

what roll and responsibility of team

identification of any required training to the team member

and do mock breakdown to check the effectiveness of the your BCP

i hope this will bit helpful to u!!
[quote name='shabani' timestamp='1299096064' post='43231']
I meant a procedure and it's for SQF 2000 implementation

Yes, I assisted in developing our Business Continuity Plan for our company. I wish I could tell you it is as simple as just writing a procedure but there is really a lot more to it. This is one of the more time-consuming projects for SQF Certification but well worth it IMO once complete.

As SS2010 mentioned, I would first begin developing a BCP team that will meet on a routine basis to discuss various scenarios that may put your business in jeopardy (and therefore your customers without product). Definitely work to get all departments involved in creating this plan as each will need to play their role when a catastrophe occurs. Keep in mind to make it simple and to the point as you don't want to be flipping through page after page of text if you are ever in one of the situations described.

We used flow charts describing what would be done in each situation and who would be responsible for what, etc.

Attached is an example Table of Contents that may help you get started with your plan... Keep in mind that every business is different and will have different situations to discuss and plan.

Business Continuity Plan Table of Contents SAMPLE.docx   17.17KB   746 downloads
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Hi Shabani,

A lot of the comments by various members have ben useful.

I have wriiten several Business coninuity Plans for SQF 2000.

The key elements of this plan is to prepere for the unthinkable by avoiding being caught off guard by a sitaution and how to prepere for such an event and how to respond, manage and recover from it.

Managing the risk of business interruption requires strategies to both prevent the occurence and reduce its impact. these can include:

  • Business Continuity Management
  • Crisis and Emergency Management
  • Introduccing back up supply arrangements
  • Outsourcing critical functions to spread the risk
  • Adjusting inventory control strategies
  • Establishing spare capacity/back up production capabilities
  • Recovery of lost data
First you will have to formalise a Crisis management team and set out its:

  • Working methods and resposne and recovery actions
  • Group and Individual responsibilities
  • Process for notification, mobilization, escalation and de-escalation
  • Mutaual aid arrangements
  • Operational and Streategic issues and implications to be considered
  • Processes and actions to ensure effective communications: management to government, regulators, partners, customers, staff and general community
  • Specific approaches to and consideration for dealing with the media
  • data colection and maintenance logs
You should also include the following people as part of the Business Continuity plan:

  • insurance Broker
  • Solicitor
The business continuity plan will take time to write and you can condust a mock scenario and test it.

I hope the following book helps you with your quest as it is a good book :

Crisis Management in the Food and Drinks Industry: a Practical Approach
by Collin Doeg
2nd Edition,. 2005, xx 263pp
ISBN: 978-0387-23282-6

Good luck


Ajay Shah

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Thank you all, all the comments were very helpful

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