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An interesting food safety game!

Started by , Jan 19 2011 10:12 AM
17 Replies
Dear all!

I was not sure where to put this interesting link. Hopefully trainers would use or get some inspiration for evaluation of competency levels regarding food safety knowledge and skills.


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Thanks Zeeshan, I got across in 59 seconds on expert. I got a question wrong.

Thanks Zeeshan, I got across in 59 seconds on expert. I got a question wrong.

Marvelous! Superb performance!

The only lacking which I felt in this game is not showing the correct answers at the end of game.
time to ask for a pay rise, got over in 25 seconds !!.... on second attempt mind, went up instead of to the other side on the first go
I did it in 34 seconds on expert with no mistakes.

QLD - You must have quicker fingers, faster brain, or faster internet connection. I think you just had easier questions.
Very interesting! .

Great game! I didn't know answer for a question about sandwiches and no chillers in the shop and how long sandwiches can be stored, if I remember correctly? The right answer was 4 hours. Why 4 hours? Is it a rule for all chilled foods?

Great game! I didn't know answer for a question about sandwiches and no chillers in the shop and how long sandwiches can be stored, if I remember correctly? The right answer was 4 hours. Why 4 hours? Is it a rule for all chilled foods?

AFAIK, the general rule is "A perishable food item can safely be kept up to maximum 2 Hrs at room temperature depending it is not increased above 32 deg Celsius. In case if room temp is increased above 32, the time limit would be decreased to 1 Hr maximum".


AFAIK, the general rule is "A perishable food item can safely be kept up to maximum 2 Hrs at room temperature depending it is not increased above 32 deg Celsius. In case if room temp is increased above 32, the time limit would be decreased to 1 Hr maximum".


Thank you Zeeshan. Given answers were 3 or 4 or 8 hours, and I guessed the right one- 4hours. Probably I got the question wrong as I was hurrying to beat Simon's time

I've tried it again and here is the right question:

A shop doesn't have a chill cabinet. What is a max amount of time sandwiches can be displayed? A 8 B 4 C 3

British food agency tells to throw food away if it stands not chilled for more than 4 hours (in the end of document)

1 Thank
Dear Inesa,

Well located!

As usual, the Americans are more cautious (and rich?) -

Discard foods that have been warmer than 40 °F for more than 2 hours.

(near the bottom in "Power Outage ...."

>> Poor Question, unless it said "In England"
Also Sausage rolls + others in UK = approx. 24hrs, Believe it or Not! (see thread here on "ambient sausage..")

Rgds / Charles.C
2 Thanks
Loved it

Dear all!

I was not sure where to put this interesting link. Hopefully trainers would use or get some inspiration for evaluation of competency levels regarding food safety knowledge and skills.



Excellent find - really enjoyed it - managed it in 24 secs on expert - I'm going to send this link to my techs to see how they do!

What was this?

2 Thanks


I need some games related to CCP/Metal detector or X-ray detections in order to train work force.


If you people have some then please share link or email xxxxxxxx



To save people wasting their time, all the links in this thread are broken except Post 15

Dear Inesa,

Well located! :thumbup:

As usual, the Americans are more cautious (and rich?) -

(near the bottom in "Power Outage ...."

>> Poor Question, unless it said "In England"
Also Sausage rolls + others in UK = approx. 24hrs, Believe it or Not! (see thread here on "ambient sausage..")

Rgds / Charles.C



Shots fired! Maybe we're just trailblazers. After-all, we brexited before it was cool. :)


USA has the same standard of four hours (page 95 of fda food code). If you have perishable food without temperature control available for sale, 4 hours is standard. The FSIS document you referenced specifically referred to foods that were refrigerated or frozen, and had come above 40ºf for more than two hours, that you wanted to keep in the refrigerator or freezer.  Depending on the food, the assumption is that it will take more than an additional two hours for that food to fall back below 40ºf, thus using up it's uncontrolled time limit, and becoming an unsafe food to use.


Cooling curve reference fig. 1: http://www.hi-tm.com...#basic-figure-1


There would be nothing wrong with taking that food out at two hours and cooking/serving it immediately. The two hour time limit refers to frozen/refrigerated foods that you wanted to re-refrigerate or freeze for later, not serve as you would the sandwiches in the example.

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