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Started by , Oct 21 2010 12:59 PM
1 Reply

My name is Koen and I'm Quality manager of a Confiserie and Chocolatery in Belgium.

We have HACCP and now we are looking to accomplish our Fedis, IFS and BRC certificates.

I found this forum and I hope this will be interesting for us!

Speak to you guys soon
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My name is Koen and I'm Quality manager of a Confiserie and Chocolatery in Belgium.

We have HACCP and now we are looking to accomplish our Fedis, IFS and BRC certificates.

I found this forum and I hope this will be interesting for us!

Speak to you guys soon

Hello Koen, welcome to the forums. It's nice to find out some information about new members so thanks for introducing yourself. Please join the discussions.


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