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Need Generic Customer Complaint Policy

Started by , Aug 06 2010 05:32 PM
6 Replies
thanks for all help!!
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Hi Heather,

I have included some of the steps for a complaint procedure. I hope this help you to start.


1. When taking a customer complaint get as much detailed information as possible.

2. Is the product to sweet or too bitter, "off" in taste? If something is wrong with the packaging, what exactly?

3. Who is complaining- A consumer? Our customer's QC personnel?

4. What is the code date of the product in question? Can the customer send a sample of the product? If so, when?

5. Who is the primary contact regarding this complaint? (i.e. who should the Customer Service Manager call back regarding the complaint?)

6. While speaking to customer, review what you've documented, repeating/confirming what the customer has said.

7. Immediately document the complaint on a Customer Complaint Form.

8. Distribute the Customer Complaint Form immediately to the people on the distribution list and call a complaint meeting.

9. During the complaint meeting, the recipient will review the complaint and the management team will discuss further action, including corrective and preventive measures.

10. During the complaint meeting, a Complaint Manager will be assigned to oversee the complaint from start to finish.

11. All of the above actions should take place within 1 hour of receiving complaint, if possible.

12. Retain a copy of the complaint in the customer's file. The Complaint Manager retains the "master copy" of the complaint.

13. If a product recall is deemed necessary by the management team, follow the Product Recall procedure.

14. The Customer Service Manager will contact the customer within 24 hours to confirm that the complaint is being investigated.

15. Once a sample of the product is obtained, the Complaint Manager will arrange a tasting and/or evaluation of the product.

16. While the complaint is being researched, the Customer Service Manager will follow-up with the customer on the complaint's statu

How about this example.

Product Complaint Procedure.pdf   165.38KB   1329 downloads
1 Like5 Thanks
Dear All,

Great advice IMO but perhaps slightly underplaying the (low probability?) extreme possibilities ?. Or maybe they customarily fall into a different (eg crisis?) category?

Does one usually assume that a customer complaint is generally not an emergency type scenario in drafting such procedures ?

eg suppose the customer telephones to the "help" number from a hospital bed / IV drip after consuming product X and being hospitalised with severe diarrhoea 3hours later. Action ??

Rgds / Charles.C

How about this example.

Product Complaint Procedure.pdf





For some reason this PDF only has the odd numbered pages....any chance of the full monty?

yes the even pages will help

yes the even pages will help

the original was half monty. 4 years old.


Rgds / Charles.C

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