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Chinese Legislation

Started by , Jul 22 2010 10:27 AM
3 Replies
Can anyone help me on what is the jest/summary of this standard. we are starting to supply our product to china and as per BRC standards section 1.11. We need to comply on the legislation of the country we are supplying the product.
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Can anyone help me on what is the jest/summary of this standard. we are starting to supply our product to china and as per BRC standards section 1.11. We need to comply on the legislation of the country we are supplying the product.

I see now this is related to food packaging. I found this article: China Publishes List of New Additives Authorized for Use in Food Packaging

Hopefully that will give you some ideas. I was going to say if your products comply with EU / USA food contact regulations you should be ok, but I suppose the only sure way is to get a copy of the standard and make sure. If you are a converter your raw material supplier should be able to answer the question (they are responsible) or if you are the primary packaging producer then it is your job.


Go to website: China Publishes List of New Additives Authorized for Use in Food Packaging to have some clues. Hope it helpful!


And it came to pass.

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